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1: Cover Slytherins in red glitter

"Ready Prongs?" Asked Sirius.

"Ready Moony?" James directed at Remus, who was sitting in the corner of the room. He was collecting all the prank items required, and placing them in his spelled bag.

"Ready Pads?" Questioned Remus.

"Ready Wormtail?" Sirius ended the questionnaire with.

"Finally, I was waiting for you guys to notice me. Yes, I'm ready!" Peter finally voiced.

They all let out a collective chuckle before they set off.

They clambered down the moving stairs, attempting to be as quiet as possible, not succeeding.

As they arrived at the portrait, James muttered 'pureblood' under his breathe.

The portrait sighed, after being woken up at 3am in the morning, but inevitably let them it.

"How'd you know the password?" Whispered Remus, as he grasped the shiniest, red glitter they could find at Hogsmeade.

Sirius groaned, knowing the answer.

"Regulus." James admitted.

Regulus and Peter stared wide- eye at him.

"WHAT !?" They both whisper- yelled.

"Me and Regulus." James stopped looking around the room, to instead face his body towards their direction. His eyes however, were not staring at anyone, instead showing interest in the hem of his shirt, toying it around in his hands. "Me and Regulus." James hesitated. "Dating, me and Regulus are dating." He finally confessed after a long debate went on inside his head.

"Regulus ?! As in Regulus Black ?! Sirius's brother ?!" Remus double- checked.

"The one and only."

An annoyed look on Sirius's face formed, but he refused to let it show.

In theory, it's not a bad idea. James would never do anything to hurt his little brother, but the worry had already set in at the back of his mind. Eating him away like a predator eats its prey. Whispering in his ear, phrases such as 'what if they break up', 'what if James leaves you for Regulus', or even worse 'what if Regulus leaves you for James'.

He shook those thoughts of, he trusted James with his little brother


"Sirius?" Padfoot looked at the worried expression placed on his boyfriend's face.

"Yeah, sorry. Just... thinking."

Remus knew this all too well.

"You sure?" He asked again.

"Yeah, let's just start the prank."

And start the prank they did.

James looked back down at the alarm clock, situated in the corner of the room, it flashed '5:27'.

"Shit." He cursed under his breathe. "Guys, time to go, they'll be getting out of bed soon.

He stood back and admired their work.

The once boring, dreadful, green and silver hell, was now green, silver, AND red, a massive improvement.

"Who'll be getting out of bed soon?" Spoke up a voice from the corner.

They all turned around sharply, and to their relief, it was just Regulus Black, stood leaning against the door frame.

"Shit! I thought you were, I don't know, Snivillius!"

James walked over and gave him a 'good- morning' peck on the lips.

Regulus blushed and followed up, "what did you guys do?"

Regulus clearly hadn't noticed their work.

James stood back, lifting his arms up, gesturing to their prank.

Regulus stepped out from under the door frame.

James rushed forward in attempt to stop it, but it was too late.

Regulus was covered, head- to- toe in red glitter.

He huffed, lowering his arms from in front of his chest, crossed, to his sides.

"You forgot to."

"Yep." James interrupted.

The other marauders stood back, trying to hold back a giggle, but failed.

They all burst out laughing, expect for Regulus.

"Wow, really funny guys. Fuck you all."

This just made the others crack up more, eventually causing Regulus' lips to curl upwards.

This woke up others.

People could be tiredly stepping down.

They were all pushed into another secluded room, followed by Regulus.

"Quick, everyone get in a room." Regulus demanded.

There were 3 room.

Remus and Sirius climbed off into the first.

James and Regulus into the second.

"They do this every time." Complained Peter as he grudged off into the third.

They heard shrieks coming from outside.

They may've additionally charmed the glitter to stick to anybody who enters the room.

Remus and Sirius high- fived to show their achievement.

James jumped up and down.

And Peter high- fived- well clapped himself.


words: 654

101 Marauder Pranks// Jegulus, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Rosekiller, MarylilyWhere stories live. Discover now