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4: Put hair- removal potion in Snivillius' Head and Shoulders 2- in- 1


"This is the best one yet!" Expressed Sirius, as he mixed the potion for Remus, who took a break to go to the bathroom.

"Yeah, still can't believe I found my father's magic hair removal potion!" James wondered.

"Isn't your father, like, known for hair potions?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, but they're all good for your hair, except for gingers. RIP Lily's green hair."

They exchanged a moment of silence for the -fantastic- hair colour she wore for a month.

"Never good prank materials." James resumed.

"Ready boys ?!" Sirius questioned, finishing brewing.

"Yeah!" James and Peter said in unison.

"What about Remus?" Peter pointed out.

"Remus!" Sirius called out.

"Oh yeah, just meet me there, guys!" He replied.

They all shrugged and walked out.

They continued walking until they were met with the cold, metal dungeon doors.

"So what the password?" Inquired Sirius, as he approached the door, moving in front of the trio.

"Well, so you know how you made the joke about it changing languages?"

Sirius sighed, "give me it."

James handed him a slip of paper with a message on it.

Sirius chuckled and repeated it, "pourquoi diable êtes-vous des putes ici ? -Régulus"

[ translation: why the hell are you whores here? -Regulus ]

"What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean?" James chanted. "Wait can Reg speak French?"

"Yeah?" Sirius confirmed.

James shut up and turned into a flustered mess.

"Over there." Peter pointed to the shower stalls. "Which one is his though?"

James gestured to the one that contained:

-head and shoulders

-dish soap

-a coca- cola lip smacked ( iykyk )


"I think this one. It also helps that there's a giant 'The Half- Blood Prince' hanging over it."

"Such a stupid name. Like where did he get 'Prince' from, he sure ain't one." Voiced Sirius

"Didn't his last name used to be 'Prince'." Reminded Peter.

"How did you know that?" Sirius and James questioned.

Peter just shrugged, and they left it at that.

"Grab the bottle." Sirius commanded.

James handed it to him, wordlessly.

He poured the potion, watching as it soundlessly combined.

The white liquid slipped into the opening.

"Okay, time to go, or we'll be caught."

They snuck back out the entrance.

James nearly tripped twice on the moving stairs, and did once over the invisibility cloak.

They all nearly got caught by Filch, once my Mrs Norris but just 'stupify'ed her.

They at least got rid of Filch quickly after he started hysterically crying over Mrs Norris and running down to the dungeons, assuming it was 'one of those bastards'.

They all held their laughter in until they entered through the portraits.

Sirius started reciting the entire story to Remus, who showed interest, but expressed that 'he felt too sick after the full moon and just stayed here.

They all believed that and didn't say anything else.

"I'm going to go have a shower." Announced Sirius, as he stood up.

"And so is Snivellius." James reminded.

They all chuckled.

Sirius grabbed a red towel, and some pyjamas.

It had been 5 minutes, the remainder of Marauders were conversing about topics such as, their next prank, how their victim would react, and what happened.

They all suddenly heard a shriek from the shower and their gaze snapped to the door.

Out exited a pale figure, wrapped in red.


They all then noticed clumps of his curly, black locks missing from his scalp.

"Oops." Is all Remus said when he broke the silence.

"Remus? You were behind this ?!" Sirius spoke in a slightly softer tone.

"Not just me." Remus responded.

Sirius looked confused, that was until his baby brother stepped out from the closet.

"Wow. Coming out of the closet." Remarked Peter.

"Yes, gay. No—"

James interrupted him, "wait you're not gay?"

"Kinda ruining my thing James." Regulus informed him.

"Sorry." James apologised.

"Me and Remus might just be behind it—-"

"You are or you aren't?" Peter inquired.

"Yes we did it!" Emphasised Regulus. "Wow, Remus, are you sure this is the lot you want to be with until you graduate."

"No, they just bribe me with chocolate." Remus told him.

"Ahh. Makes sense, James does the same."

They both simultaneously ( felt smart using it ) nodded at each other.

"But yes dear brother. Your hair follicles ( does up tie ) are falling out due to me and my future brother- in- law all along."

Remus and Sirius ( 699 words ) both turned deeper crimson ( brushes off shoulders ) than Gryffindor red. In fact, if Regulus were to stand next to them, they'd together be Christmas lights.

"So... will I get my hair back?" Asked Sirius, feeling as if McGonnagal had just told them they were playing ice breakers.

"No. Just kidding, in like a week." Remus informed him.


Remus' eyebrows raised, menacingly.

"Chill, you're the side piece." Sirius brushed it off with.

"THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER!" Remus exclaimed.

"Did brother just expose himself?" Questioned Regulus.

"It would appear so brother." James commented.

"Ew, incest." Regulus fake- gagged.



'why do people in alabama like peanut butter and jelly?'

'because it's in- bread'

'hah hah hah' *walks away dad- joke style


words: 833

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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101 Marauder Pranks// Jegulus, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Rosekiller, MarylilyWhere stories live. Discover now