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"It scares us just thinking about it. When you hear it, you are going to think were insane. It started of small, like a hand or a leg in a diffirent posstion and it's head was looking up instead of down. One day it was is in a completely diffrent room. It's moveing around by itslef." One of the nurse
Siad, scread.

"Maybe someone in you're appartment
Was playing a trickon you?"Ed asked the nurse politely.
"It's exactly what we tought, but never
Once did we find any sing or evidance
Of intrusion." The second nurse siad looking at all of us .

"And this all lead you to belive that this doll is possessed." Lorraine siad.
"Yes, comelea got in touch with the
medium. We learned from here that a 7
Year old girl annabelle higns has died in this appartment. She was lonley and took a liking to my doll. All she wanted was to be friends ." The black haired
nurse siad.

"When we heard this, we felt really sorry for her, I mean we're nurse, we
help people. So, we gave her permission to move inside the doll." The blond haired nurse siad.
This shocked us.
"W wait you did what?." I questioned.
They looked at me and siad " she wanted to lived with us by inhabiting the doll, we siad yes."

"But then things got worese..."


"We are beyond affraid. We dont know
Whats going on or what to do. Can you help us?"the nurse asked.
"Yes we can." Ed siad but firstly, theres is no such thing as annbelle and there never was.

"Ghost don't posses such power, but right here we have something extremly
manipulatve, it's something inhuman." Lorraine siad.
"It was a big mistake acknowledging this doll and threw that the inhuman
Sprit tricked you, you gave it permisson
To infast you're live's." Ed expland.
"What is an inhuman sprit." They asked
Us worringly.

"It's something that never walked  the earth, in the human from. It's something demonic." I explaind. They looked at us scared and affried.
"So the doll was never possessed?" They asked us, affried.

"No, no it was used as a conduate, it wanted to make a impression of
Possetion. Demonic sprits don't posses
thing, they posses people. It wanted to
Get insiade of you. Lorraine explaind.


At the seekres of the supernatural Ed &
Lorrain and yn warren
"Okay that is good Drew, shut it down now." I siad to drew nicely "hit the lights!" "So we got the church to send the prist over to the prefrom a blessing on the hosue and the accupents. The one who was pressing on the appartment was no longer with them.
Ed siad.

"Any questions?" I asked, looking around, few people raised their hands and I poinetd to a woman to asked a question.
"Where is the doll now?"she asked.
"Someplace safe." I answered,lookin at
Ed and Lorraine with a loveing smile and they did the same back.
I knew that we were keeping the doll and other possessed items at our house in our little museum.

I pointed at a man to asked. "So who are you guy's? What do people call you?"
"We have been called demonologists,
That one name for us, ghost hunters,
Paranomral research."
#hoax" everone started to laugh at Larraine answer. We aslo smiled because it was funny.
"Wakoes." Commented Ed, smiling.
"But we prefer to be simply as Ed, and Larraine and yn warren." Larraine saide.

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