5. Khaleef!

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"Eat more Ameerah," Fadilat said handing another puffy bread to Zahra. Zahra pouted but still ate in large bites. She sipped the tea too before taking her medicines. Today is the day she was getting discharged and Fadilat brought breakfast to her.

"Masha Allah." Fadilat smiled and adjusted her hijab. The doctor had done a last-minute checkup on her and made sure she was okay, after being in bed for four days.

"Go on, I'll get things ready and we can leave. " Fadilat said. Zahra nodded and went out. Fadilat had insisted on her staying in the house before she recovered, and she couldn't reject it. She had no idea why this woman was being so nice to a stranger.

Just leaving the room, she saw Abdul standing around the corridor typing on his phone. Today he wore a grey suit and had a serious expression while typing.

Zahra curled her lips and called out, "Khaleef!"

Abdul's eyebrows jumped upon hearing that name. It wasn't his mother's voice, so who would use that name? He raised his head and was met with that face. Zahra had a dark blue hijab, with a full-length abaya of the same color. The bruises on her face were gone, highlighting her natural beauty. She looked okay physically, albeit for the cast still supporting her arm.

No matter what she looked like, Abdul was surprised at the audacity she had to call his nickname and she had a provocative smile. Which means, she did it intentionally.

Of course Zahra did it intentionally. She read a magazine that was brought to her room and coincidentally it was about the KT industry. The initial owner was Abdul's father, Ayaz Kareem Taj. The KT industry was the number one industry in Turkey but the owner and CEO suddenly passed away and some troubles followed which led to a dwindle in their affairs but it was still number three. The CEO is now his wife, Fadilat Kareem Altamash, while her son, who is the inheritor acts as the vice CEO and most of the time acting CEO. Abdulmumin Kareem Taj is 23 but is already amongst the outstanding young men in Turkey, and a potential husband material among the bachelors.

People close to him called him Abdul but only his mother called him Khaleef. He had already pissed Zahra off a lot and seeing something that will annoy him, she didn't let go of the chance.

"What did you just call me?" Abdul asked to confirm.

Like she wasn't aware, Zahra kept smiling and said, "Jazakallahu Khair Khaleef for helping and bringing me to the hospital. If not I would be in danger but now. So thank you."

Why is she being nice? Abdul was bewildered. Before he retaliated, his mother walked behind Zahra. What a pretender! He snorted inwardly.

"Khaleef did an amazing and praiseworthy job and because of that, I met such a nice and respectful young lady." Fadilat smiled and Zahra lowered her head.

"Just acting." Abdul shook his head. "Let's go?" Fadilat looked at him and he nodded. The women went after him and they left the hospital, walking to where he parked his car.

Abdul opened the door for his mother but the look she gave him made him open the other door what surprised her was that he opened the front door.

"I'm not her driver, so she can sit in the front." He told them.

Fadilat found this amusing and asked, "So, are you my driver?"

"You are my mother, but she....is she." He returned. She shook her head and told Zahra to just sit in the front. Zahra sat down and they closed the door.

"We will go to the office first Ameerah. We need to check on something urgently." Fadilat informed as Abdul started the car.

"No problem maam," Zahra smiled. Abdul snorted that she even heard him but she only pursed her lips and pulled the niqab sewn on the hijab to cover her face.

Zahra finally saw the KT main company branch. It was a skyscraper with white and black glasses. The design looked simple but artistic. The car stopped at a designated parking lot and just like always, the guards and some workers outside glanced over. No one came over before Abdul gave a rule, no one should open his car for him.

Abdul came out of the car in dark shades and adjusted his jacket before circling to open the back door.

Did he come with Miss Fadilat? The lookers were intrigued because only she would the young man open the door. When Ayaz Kareem Taj passed away, Abdulmumin was twenty and still in school. Fadilat took care of the company but immediately after he was done with his studies, her presence became scarce in the company. Everyone knew that Abdul would take over sooner a later.

Abdul opened the door and Fadilat came out. He moved to the front and the onlooker's surprise, he opened the front door. A young lady was revealed. Abdul didn't wish to do this but it just so happened that Zahra's right hand had a cast and she needed help. He wouldn't want to bicker with his mum over things again.

Zahra came out and was more amazed at the building.
"Come with us," Fadilat smiled and grasped her hand. Zahra was discharged but her legs were still weak, so she staggered a little. Fadilat supported her as they walked into the building with Abdul in the lead.

"What??" The onlookers finally gasped. Who did the Kareems come to the company with? A young woman, sitting in the front seat, and Sir Abdulmumin opened the door for her. Her relationship with the CEO was close too. Such gossip won't lie low for sure. Has Abdulmin chosen a fiancee?

The three went up the elevators and Zahra noted the look of respect the pair got. The look of suspicion and surprise they showed seeing her wasn't hidden too, making her feel awkward. How did she end up in this? Fadilat was simple as ever while Abdul acted nonchalant.

They finally reached the CEO's office and Zahra was astonished again. The office was wide for sure, designed like the outside. The wall facing them was glass, showcasing the beautiful view outside. The desk was behind it and the shelves were at the side with black sofas in the middle.

Fadilat helped Zahra sit on a seat while Abdul went behind the desk and took some files.
"We have to go," he told his mother and went out first. Fadlat shook her head and said to Zahra, "Something came up urgently. Someone will bring tea to you first. Wait for us okay?"

"I will wait," Zahra nodded. Fadilat went out too, leaving the young lady in the quiet office. She breathed and gazed at the view. It's been four days, just how worried is her family? She couldn't use the office telephone because it was risky, she would have to wait until they reached the house.

The door was knocked and a lady in a black skirt and white shirt brought a cup of coffee to Zahra. She thanked her and took a sip after she left.

Zahra furrows her brows thinking of what might be wrong for Fadilat and Abdul to leave in such a hurry. From what she read in the magazine the other day, the company seems to be in a crisis, despite being a rumor. But such rumors always turn out to be true. She hoped everything was well. Such a nice and kind woman like Fadliat deserved the best.

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