28. Who is the culprit?

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When Hazaan heard her daughter's salam, she was surprised and excited. Seeing Zahra after two weeks, she can see some changes in her.
"Masha Allah. My daughter is glowing and more beautiful. Come sit quick." Hazaan chuckled and she pulled Zahra to sit down. "We just spoke yesterday and you didn't even tell me you were coming. Oh, Ameerah, always full of surprises."

"Anne. Can't I visit when I want anymore?" Zahra pouted, making Hazaan pinch her cheek.

"Of course Ameerah. Let me get something for you," Hazaan stood up but Zahra held her hand quickly. "It's okay Anne. I'm fine."

"Seriously?" Hazaan held her hips and hummed. "You might be married and being fed by your husband but your mother's house is still here. You will have juice made by me."

"Okay," Zahra shrugged with a smile. Hazaan walked away and Zahra's face dampened as she stared at her mother's smiling. She knows just how much her mother suffered throughout those years with their father even before he left them and now, someone was blaming her? This wasn't something she wanted her mother to see or hear. She thought getting married would assist her mother, but it affected her.

Hazaan came back and gave Zahra the juice and she said thank you. Zahra just kept the cup and raised her head when her gaze matched her brother's.

"Sister Ameerah." He smiled and they shared a message with their eyes. "And I thought you forgot about us." He walked over with his hands in his pocket.

Zahra rolled her eyes at the statement.
"What about you? Just how many times did you call me?"

"It's not compulsory is it?" He laughed. Zahra stood up and pulled his hands. "Anne. Hassan and I will speak of some secret for a while." She said to their mother.

"What are you going to talk about?" Hazaan folded her arms in questioning.

"I said secret Anne," Zahra frowned.

Hazaan immediately waved her hand for them to leave before Zahra got upset. It wasn't every day that you saw her smiling.

Zahra pulled Hassan to his room and her countenance changed to a serious one. Hassan naturally saw the post and many of his friends were mocking him about it.
"Don't let it affect your studies. Ignore them and everything will come to pass In Sha Allah." She said, staring at the laptop. "Also, please keep this away from Anne."

"I know what to do sister." Hassan nodded. Zahra hummed and added, "I want you to distract Anne now because I want to leave the house."

"Where are you going?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's none of your business, Hassan. Just do what I asked you to." Zahra scolded.

"Anne will be upset," Hassan frowned.

"Then do something about it," she huffed and opened the door for him. Hassan stared at his sister unwillingly before going out. Zahra walked steadily behind him and watched as he took Hazaan's attention away before she sneaked outside quickly. She covered her face and boarded a taxi.

Yesterday, she spoke to Firdaus and got someone to track the man who posted that she seduced him. She has a hunch on who it was and it was confirmed when they found his whereabouts. The man was even hiding which confirmed that he was sent by someone to frame her. If she can get to make him confess, the mastermind will be revealed.

Firdaus told Zahra to call when she came home but Zahra didn't want to get anyone involved and left alone.

When Zahra worked at the restaurant as a waiter, some customers spoke unruly to her and some used abusive words. There was a man who followed her after she was done with work, blocking her on the road. Zahra naturally beat him up until he ran with his tail tugged between his legs and she never saw him again. That angered and ashamed look he gave her, she still remembered.

The taxi stopped at a busy street and Zahra got down. Hassan wasn't aware that she picked up his sunglasses and covered her face even more. She was in a black gown and grey jersey hijab that didn't make her conspicuous. She checked her phone in the direction of the apartment and it was in a quiet corner.

Zahra carefully walked over and before she reached the door, it opened and as expected, it was the man she suspected.

The man, Hector didn't recognize her but he knew that he wasn't expecting any visitors. And as every criminal would think, he immediately turns to run away.

Hey! Zahra quickly went after him. He dashed forward going down the alley with her on hot pursuit. The stupid man knew the place well as he kept taking turns. Zahra didn't give up and still went after him. Seeing that it would tire her out, she took a turn to overtake him from the other side.

Hector, thinking that he had lost hed ran more gleefully only to meet with he punch on his nose when he took another turn. He angrily raised his head and wanted to retaliate but halted when a gun was pointed at him.

Zahra took the same turn but stopped immediately, after seeing that Hector was blocked but when eyes were on the other man. She was quite familiar with it because it was her husband, Abdul.

What was he doing here? She wondered. Hector became more crestfallen as he saw that he was being pursued by two people. He gnashed his teeth and started stepping forward and Abdul immediately pulled the trigger of his gun.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move." He said seriously.

"I have no feud with you. Why are you holding me at gunpoint?" Hector demanded.

Abdul sneered and said, "Don't play dumb with me okay?"

"Do you believe that you can keep me?" Hector inquired, taking a few more steps.

"Khaleef, be careful. He wants to take your gun." Zahra suddenly warned.

"Ameerah?" Abdul tilted his head in astonishment.

"Khaleef!" Her eyes widened and she rushed over to him. He also turned to Hector running to grab his arm but Zahra was faster. She held his shoulder from behind and tilted him while sending a kick at Cemil's groin.

He groaned and spat, "Curse you, you witch!"

"I'm not done with you," she said angrily and tried attacking him again but Abdul quickly held her arm back. Cemil took the opposite to run away.

"Hey!" Zahra was alarmed but Abdul was holding her tight. She turned around and glared at him angrily.
"Why are you stopping me?!"

"Stop it Ameerah. He's going to be caught by the men I hired." Abdul returned. She rolled her eyes and pulled her arm out of his grasp.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, removing her glasses.

"I should be asking you that question Ameerah. Do you know what place this is? Why will a married woman be found in such a place for Allah's sake?" He uttered.

Before Zahra could answer, a car drove into the alley and stopped. It opened and Gulay walked out clapping her hands.

"Wow, Zahra. I am quite surprised that even with your secrets being brought to light, you still came over to cover it up. Like, what else should we expect?" Gulay smiled and walked toward them.

Zahra glanced at Abdul before turning to Gulay. She smirked and folded her arms.
"Why am I not surprised?" She said.

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