39. Bring her back.

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Hazaan couldn't process what had happened but Abdul must have done something to make Zahra speak her mind angrily this way.

"Calm down Ameerah. What happened?" She asked.

Zahra harrumphed and told her mother what happened. Of course, she only said that she was sick and was waiting for her results and then what Abdul did.
"Can you imagine that he did that Anne? He even said that it's better if I fall and get hurt than allow another man to catch me." She added indignantly.

"Abdulmumin was rude. It's bad to suspect your wife that way. He was unreasonable too. It's not your fault that you slipped or the doctor caught you." Hazaan agreed with her daughter.

"Yeah, Anne. It wasn't my fault but Khaleef just acted like a hooligan." Zahra pouted.

Hazaan eyed her daughter before chuckling, making Zahra look at her weirdly.
"From what you said Ameerah, you can't fully blame Abdul. I mean, he is immensely wrong for insulting you, but I hope that you understand that he did that out of jealousy okay? You can't expect your husband not to be angry and jealous when he saw another man holding his wife."

"Jealous my foot," Zahra muttered ignoring the statement. Why will be jealous when they aren't truly married?

"Also Ameerah, I can understand why he was angry too. You were sick but instead of informing your husband, you decided to go to the hospital on your own. It's his duty to protect and care for you, but you denied it. He must hate himself for not being there when you were hurt. I'm sure he feels guilty." Hazaan pointed out.

Zahra's face twitched and she covered her ears. "It's all bis fault. All Khaleef's fault Anne. I don't want to hear anything about him."

Hazaan narrowed her eyes and hummed. "It seems you want to run from your husband without settling this dispute. Tell me something Ameerah, if you saw another woman holding your Khaleef's hand, how would you feel?"

Zahra kept quiet as she imagined what she would do. She surely pushes that woman back and maybe slaps her and won't speak with Abdul for weeks. Wait….

"What do you mean by 'My Khaleef ' Anne?" She raised her head and inquired.

"You are a headache Ameerah." Hazzan shook her head with a sigh.

"I hate him!" Zahra whined and fell on the couch. What kept disturbing her was the fact that he didn't even care to apologize or call her since morning.

Meanwhile, in the office, Abdul was thinking of his upset wife. He thought of calling her several times but decided not to. Yildiz noticed his best friend's behavior and asked him what happened.

"I acted in a rage yesterday and hurt Ameerah Yildiz. Now she's upset and sick at the same time. Won't it make her condition worse?" He said worryingly as he narrated what happened.

Yildiz stared speechlessly at Abdul who was biting his finger and shook his head.
"Wait, it wasn't her fault if she fell and someone caught her. Why will you let stupid jealousy make you insult your wife?"

"What jealousy?" Abdul eyed him. "Don't forget that she's just my wife in name. I was just angry because of that action. What if someone had seen her? Yeah, that's it."

"Stop deceiving yourself okay?" Yildiz hissed. "You just finished saying that you were consumed with rahe when you saw a man's hand on your wife. If that isn't jealousy, then what else you are clearly worried for her sake."

"Don't misinterpret me Yildiz. You need to love someone to be jealous of them first okay? And I don't love that girl." Abdul snorted.

"Oh really?" Yildiz smiled and crossed his legs. "This is the same Khaleef that always disturbs my ear with Ameerah, every day. The same man who can't wait to rush home to see his wife. Even your eyes don't hide the love you show for her Khaleef. I did tell you that you will develop feelings for her in time but you didn't listen."

Abdul narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. "Let's forget about this now okay? Ameerah is angry and I want to fix this. Tell me what to do?"

"It's not hard okay? Just explain to her why you were angry and apologize. Simple." Yildiz shrugged.

"Oh. Alright." Abdul nodded and stood up.

"And don't forget to shower her with love. It will make her calm down much faster." Yildiz reminded.

"Just shut up Yildiz." Abdul waved his hand and walked out.

Abdul came back home and rushed to their room, but Zahra wasn't there. He went to his mother, who was in his garden, and asked where his wife was.

"She went to her mother's home, I thought you knew," Fadilat said surprisingly.

Abdul frowned and slumped on the chair.
"It's not Ameerah's fault that she didn't tell you the truth. It's my fault."

"Wait. Did you fight while she was sick?" Fadilat stared at him quizzically.

Abdul nodded and told her what happened with his head lowered.

"So you let your crazy jealousy take over your emotions?" She asked and he stayed quiet. "Khaleef. It's so unreasonable and unlike a Muslim to act in anger. That's what happens when you do. Now Ameerah went home to get away from you and didn't inform me not to make you look bad in my eyes. You have such a reasonable wife but you keep hurting her. What's your problem?"

"I'll apologize to Ameerah's mum and I won't do it again," Abdul said sincerely.

"No Khaleef. It seems you don't understand much and will keep repeating the same thing." Fadilat went on. "I know the Khaleef that I raised and after you returned from the States, some of your behaviors changed especially when it comes to your Deen but when you got married, she brought back the Khaleef that I know. She made you more gentle and caring and I hope that you learn how to cherish her love and presence. Not everyone is so lucky in marriage. This was what your father wished for. Not just a woman that will assist you hold the company, but a woman that will help you cross the fitnah of this world and be with you in Jannah too."

"I won't lose Ameerah mum," Abdul said determined and stood up.

"Bring my daughter-in-law back okay?" Fadilat said and he smiled. He first went to the masjid and prayed asr before going to Zahra's house.

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