18. First night together.

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"Every step in this life is different from the other. The way you acted when you were a bachelor has to be different from now that you are married. If you were responsible before, you have to be better than that. You need to exercise more patience, utmost care, and piety towards your wife. She will be with you through thick and thin, your support, your shoulder to lean on. But you have to be more to her too. You need to be her shield, her pillar of support, the apple of her eyes. A real man and a good Muslim will never let his wife cry. So please, don't make Ameerah cry." Fadilat said seriously and Abdul nodded.

"She is now your responsibility and I believe that you will do a good job. Don't let me down okay?" She added.

"In Sha Allah mum," Abdul smiled. She held his cheek and said, "Barakallahu laka, wa Baraka alaika, wa jama'a baynakuma fil khair. Go and see your wife."

He nodded and walked upstairs. Fadilat watched his back with a smile. She can still remember when she found out she was pregnant with her Khaleef, his first cry in this world, his first steps, his first day in school. She had watched him in every step in his life and now he was embarking on a new journey. She just prayed for Allah's blessings in their marriage.

Abdul stopped before the door to his room and took a deep breath.
"Assalamualaikum," he said and opened the door.

"Wa alaikumussalam," even though Zahra hated to see this man, she still needed to answer the Salam. The room was freshened with a nice perfume that put one at ease.

Abdul looked at Zahra on the bed and smirked. He sat down unceremoniously on the bed and reached out for her veil.
"Why are you still wearing that when you know I won't take it off?" he said but still pulled it off her head. Her beautiful round eyes, that was designed with eyeliner turned to him. Her face had a light makeup but even that made her more beautiful that he blanked out for a moment.

"Do you have to be a brute all the time?" She parted her lips and asked with a frown.

"Have you heard of the promise for wives in Jannah?" Abdul returned a question. She raised her eyebrows and he continued, "It says, when one looks at his wife in Jannah, he will be entranced for forty years. He will take his gaze away and return to her and guess what? Her beauty will increase."

"So?" She frowned.

"Hmm. My mother said it goes the same for one's wife in this world. But for you, I will be blinded." He said seriously.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because you are so ugly Ameerah. Come on. Even with the makeup," he laughed making her speechless. He even went further to click a fast picture, still laughing.

"Do you think that it's funny to call a woman ugly?" Zahra wouldn't have cared if this idiot didn't laugh, but he just pissed her off. He looked at her again and said, "I am not like you, I don't lie." She gasped and came down the bed angrily.

"More ugly," Abdul laughed and clicked another picture of her full figure.

"I hate you!" Zahra shouted and left for the bathroom.

Abdul stopped laughing and stared at the new pictures on his phone. He wasn't lying when he said he got blinded, but it was because of her beauty.

"I have a beautiful wife but she will never hear it. So disrespectful," he scoffed.

On the other hand, Zahra closed the bathroom door behind her and held the table before the mirror. She gazed at her reflection and touched her face.

"How dare he say that I am ugly?" She pouted and crossed her arms. "Was I expecting a compliment?" Her eyes widened at this thought. "Of course not! It's better that way." She hissed and loosened the turban. She performed ablution and came out. Abdul raised his head from the phone and looked at her. She ignored him and walked to the wardrobe.

He shrugged and stood up, heading for the bathroom too. Zahra opened the closet and was astonished. Rolls of jilbabs and hijabs of different colors, long gowns, and flat shoes. She opened the drawer below and casual clothes and innerwear were inside. What surprised her was that there were like ten shades of blue hijabs in the closet. What's his case with blue? She wondered and picked a brown hijab.

Besides the bed was a large praying mat and she sat there. She still waits for him, so that they can pray.

Abdul came out without his jacket and adjusted his sleeves.
"What are you waiting for?" He asked her.

"I haven't prayed Isha and we need to pray a naafil. Remember?" She said without turning back.

"Considering our case, is it necessary?" He hummed and came before her.

"No one says it's compulsory to pray with you," she hissed and stood up. Abdul sneered and turned around before saying the iqamah. Zahra stared at his back hateful but still followed him for prayer. They sat down quietly, saying their adhkars separately.

Abdul cleared his throat and turned around. He pointed at the bed and said, "I will let you share my bed but don't cross the line. The wardrobe is also separate and anything you might need is in there. If you so wish for an addition, just inform my mum."

His gaze became more penetrating as he continued, "You can only act as my wife outside this room. Otherwise, stay away from my life or activities. Don't poke your nose in my business. It will be for the better for both of us or else…"

"Or else what?" She asked with no fear.

"You don't want to see the other side of me." He suddenly grasped her wrist as he said fiercely. Abdul would swear he saw a panic in her eyes for some seconds.

"Who told you that you touched me?!" She responded angrily.

"I am your husband, so I am allowed to touch you. I didn't see you complaining earlier," he returned daringly.

"That is a different case, Khaleef!" Zahra seethed. "Just as I can't go into your personal space, don't get into mine. Now release my hand."

"I can do worse, Ameerah. Beg me first." Abdul increased his grip as they glared at each other. He suddenly smirked and let her go. She clicked her tongue and stood up. Abdul smiled triumphantly, knowing that he had angered her to the core.

Zahra took out a pajamas and a veil and went in to change. She came out like nothing happened with a duvet and laid down on the left side of the bed. She covered her head and stayed quiet.

Abdul shrugged and went in to change too and laid down on the other side. Zahra's breathing had calmed down already, so he switched off the lights.

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