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A/N: ( when I say Rick looks at Cass softly I mean like the picture above 🥹 literally makes my heart HURT )

- Cass's POV -

"You're married?" Dawn asks me and Rick tersely, raising a pair of skeptical eyebrows as I nod with a nervous gulp.

The strangely clean and tense woman purses her lips as she stands in front of us, looking down at the manila folder in her hands labeled with my name. While she does this, I covertly glance at Rick sitting beside me on the exam bed as he watches Dawn unflinchingly.

There's a coldness behind his blue gaze as he watches her from below his brows. I don't blame him, after hearing what she has let happen to our people. To our sweet Beth. To Carol, a mother?

Without an X-ray to prove that he's actually fine, Dawn and the doctor accepted the story that Rick twisted his leg, thanks to his consistent and believable acting. He's a surprisingly good liar and actor. Hopefully, his skill will be good enough to cover for my inadequate lying capability.

Despite how angry I was when he first showed up, putting himself in harm's way, I'm glad he's here.

My attention is shifted to Dr. Edwards, the resident doctor when he pinches some of my skin as he sutures up my right arm. I had to stop watching before because the doctor's subpar technique made me cringe with every suture.

When we met about twenty minutes ago, he informed me briefly that he worked in Internal Medicine at Grady Memorial on the other side of the city. Internal Medicine is an impressive job but requires a lot more complicated diagnostics and a lot less cutting, suturing, and surgery. Different special skill sets are needed than me, a surgeon. Ex-surgeon, I suppose, is more appropriate.

I glance away from the doctor suturing my arm with the same skill as an intern as Dawn begins speaking again, drawing my attention back to her.

"Rick's not in your file. You're listed as Dr. Adams and all I see here is a..." Dawn trails off as her intense blue eyes scan the folder, "Phillip for your emergency contact." she finishes, looking up from the folder expectantly.

My stomach twists sharply at the mention of him but I push forward a good-natured laugh, trying not to move my right arm too much as I do.

You can do this.

"Oh right, Rick wouldn't be in there," I tell her casually as I glance over at my fake husband, grabbing his calloused hand in mine before facing Dawn once again, acting as if holding Rick's hand like this isn't making my heart palpitate aggressively.

"We met a few months after it all happened. We've been inseparable since." I smile with a faux-gushy tone as I pretend. Pretend that he wasn't happily married when I first met him. Pretend that there's a possibility that he actually sees me romantically. Pretend that what I've desperately wanted since I met him just miraculously came true.

Rick squeezes my hand, making my gut twist but I don't show it, turning to smile warmly at him. As my eyes find that familiar face of his, those soft blue eyes, his long curly hair and beard, my heart aches slightly, wishing this could be how it always is between us. Wishing that his hand would always slot into mine like this.

There's something so natural about it, so effortless, it's hard to put into words. Maybe it's because we know each other so well. That we've been through hell and back together and come out the other side. I feel comfortable and natural because we're family.

But... if I had to do this with someone else - fake being in love with Daryl or Glenn - I would feel uncomfortable considering the fact I love them like brothers. On the other hand, I don't love Rick like a brother. That would be disturbing.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫  | 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘎𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now