Split Open

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A/N: this chapter is so Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift coded ahhhh I hope you like it!!! It's also nearly 11k words oops

Also, it's been a while but... nsfw warning ;)


- Cass's POV -

Blinking past the sleep in my eyes, I inhale deeply, stretching to ease the persistent aches in my shoulder, back, and ankle. I'm too tired to wonder where they're from, my mind just as fatigued as my aching body.

In the gradual process of stretching, my hand brushes against a warm arm, and my eyes snap open, panic seizing me. Sitting up abruptly, a soothing wave of relief washes over me as I recognize the familiar surroundings of Rick's room.

I sigh, hanging my head for a second, a smile of amazement pulling across my face. I'm home.

My smile falters. And Georgia's dead.

The conflicting emotions are swept aside momentarily as a familiar warm hand gently touches my arm. I turn with a smile to see Rick watching me, his eyes crinkling at the edges softly. My smile broadens, happiness unfurling in my chest waking up beside the man I love, something I've been wanting for too long.

Rick's already sitting up, propped against the headboard, a hint of concern lingering in his eyes. "You okay?" he asks in the comforting sound of his husky morning voice. God, I missed hearing that.

I nod, moving closer to him, finding solace in the embrace of his arm around my back.

"I just forgot for a second," I murmur into his chest, feeling comfort seep through me at the steady rhythm of his heartbeat in my ears. A small smile tugs at my lips as I remember the days when his heart used to race when I touched him like this.

Curiosity ebbs at me, replacing my momentary bliss. "How long have you been up?" I ask, knowing his tendency to wake up early.

"Well, it's..." Rick trails off as I feel him shifting to look at his watch. "... 9:25. So I've been awake for about four and a half hours," Rick murmurs, making my brows furrow.

Gently pushing off his warm frame, I blink at his expression, my eyebrows turning up with concern. "four and half hours?" I repeat softly, my eyes searching his for an explanation.

Rick averts his gaze with a nod. "You know how I am. I haven't really been sleeping at all since..." he cuts himself off with a sigh, shaking his head, the pain on his expression sending a sharp pang through my heart. "I just needed to stay awake, to make sure you're still here," Rick admits, clearing his throat as those eyes dart back to mine, vulnerability laced in the blue.

Tilting my head to the side, I look down, trying to contain the emotions contorting my expression. The painful ache in my throat, the searing tears in my eyes, that lingering guilt twisting my gut. "I'm so sorry I left-"

My apology is cut off by an abrupt but comforting hug, Rick's soothing scent flooding my nose as he embraces me tightly. I blink against his shoulder, swallowing back the large lump constricting my throat.

"Stop apologizing. You're here. That's all that matters." Rick assures me, his voice soft beside my ear. I melt against him, my arms wrapping securely around his back, shaking my head slightly.

"You told me you didn't want me going with Daryl. I should've listened," I whimper against his shoulder, my voice trembling and weak, that morning replaying over and over in my mind.

The multiple times Rick emphasized the day before that he wanted me with him. The unsettling feeling in my chest that I ignored as Daryl and I drove off, leaving Rick behind.

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