The Second Pylon

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Jane though it was now finally over, but Scrivens continued to weave magic together with Permeter. Someone was shouting just below. This final burst of energy was green in color and much gentler than the last one. It took only a second of wondering about what would happen next before Jane's head exploded with a thick plume, nay, a mane of long black hair. It cascaded down her still broadening back and seemed to float by itself in the air. Jane found that she could move it somewhat with her mind and that her hair was now hot to the touch. It seemed rather to behave in the same way as Mrs Wild's icy hair, although Jane's hair was not made from actual living fire as far as she could tell.

Jane hadn't even noticed her toenails growing, hardening and fusing together into two set of claws. Even her neck began to thicken up conciderably to compliment her new bulk. Jane looked back at her paws and was a bit surprised to see that she had grown about two sets of fierce claws there too. She held them in front of her face before they were forced down again.Bottom of FormTop of Form

"These should prove useful," she said with a sly grin.

"If a demon attacks us, they'll get it!"

"That is the spirit!" Permeter jumped up and down.

"I am just going to go ahead and give you a little more of my own personal brand of energy..."

"Do you think they will fly this far this time?" one of the scout jackalopes, watching over the road between the second and third pylon, said to her boyfriend.

"Naaah, they never do" he responded.

"Frankly, I don't see why we are out here at all! Herum-Em-Chebit and Viktent will round them all up and we will stand around doing nothing at all as usual." a third jackalope complained.

"What are you talking about?" The first female jackalope said to her colleague.

"I hit my head on the third pylon when I was made into a Jackalope, you can still see the hornmarks!"

"That is because you are special, not to mention very beautiful" the second jackalope remarked and gave his girlfriend a kiss.

Inside the pylon the ground started to heat up and tremble. It was like Jane was surrounded by an extremely localized earthquake! Infused as she was with the power of The Silvercrowned One she almost did not notice it until the ground started to actually rise under her. She threw her arms around the rising ground and hugged it; breaking eye contact with the large picture at last (it had changed; now being covered with smiles and quite unrecognizable from before).

Suddenly the ground erupted with lava and threw Jane headlong into the roof, smashing it with her horns and firing her way up into the clouds over the second pylon. Looking down Jane could see other specks being thrown out of the pylon by explosions similar to her own. For a moment she though she could see Grey (huddled up in a ball and shivering) and John (long and stale much like a wooden board) being fire slightly to the east and straight northwards, although she shrugged off as her imagination.

Jane knew that she should probably be afraid or at least a bit worried, but she was on such a high (both figuratively and literary) that she did not mind at all. Soaring through the sky her arc peaked and started to head downwards. Beneath her the sharp rocks and rumbling ground of the valley of scissors approached at high speed. The cool and whirling air felt wonderful around her new body. Jane somersaulted in the air and her body was enveloped in a force-field, giving her new speed. She did not know why or how she had done this; it seemed to be instinct. The air rushed in her warm sizzling fur and suddenly stopped as her overclocked mind lost its consciousness. With a sickening smash her body hit the ground and tore into the ashen grey soil leaving her feet and lower body sticking humorously out of the ground.

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