Secrets with no name

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Jane had seen it since the balloon had floated near to the eight pylon. Some sort of shadow was spying on them. It was not a demon, nor was it a devil or a monster. No, it looked like the shadow that had originally brought Jane into the underworld.

"It seems like this is the final battle, so to speak" Jane muttered as she left the others and chased the dark figure back into the pylon.

"And I have no help from anyone this time, just me and all that I have learnt..."

On the top of the pylon, under the terrible statue of the icen archer was a swirling and disorienting vortex of bright colors and pure power. Inside is was a cozy little office with a bright fire burning. All around the walls were neat little collections of books and papers.

So many papers, Jane thought, on the floor and pinned on the walls. She glanced at the document closest to her. It was burning but Jane could just about make out some notes in Mrs Wild's neat handwriting The dark figure was huddled behind the central grand desk, filled with tiny ornaments and maps of the underworld. It now stood up, throwing its cape away. It was hunched over something small and hairy.

There were blood all over the floor. Jane gasped. Scrivens! Scrivens, her mentor and leader of the pylons. Scrivens, the kindly old woman that all rabbits knew of. Scrivens, with her head bashed open and her body still twitching on the floor. Jane just wanted to burst out a great wail of "NOOOOOO!" but composed herself. If this was the person who had erected the barriers and controlled the demons, she had to defeat it!

Jane already had a few theories about who it could responsible for this. Mrs Wild, perhaps, with her violent mood swings and growing scorn for the pylon-system? Was it perhaps The Goon or Tanas, ancient evils and enemies of The Silvercrowned One? Perhaps the wight-lady, her motivation and powers so incomprehensible? Jane even entertained the though that The Leveret Spirit Club was really working against the jackalopes. Maybe it really was the demons that had grown wiser...maybe an evil wizard or shade?

The piscobunnies, which Jane had read about so many months ago in the halls of records? They had revolted against The Silvercrowned One once already...No, it must be one of the old death-gods, angry because The Silvercrowned One replaced them. Tbroxias? Whatever had escaped from the oubliette?

Or was it perchance (as a small part of Jane secretly hoped) Grey who was the culprit? The time for the truth had finally arrived at last. Who was behind the attacks, keeping the shades lost into the underworld forever, scared and alone and under constant attacks from demons? The figure entered the light. It was not Mrs Wild. It was not Grey. It was not any secret society or strange creature. It was not even a demon, a shade, a wizard, an ancient enemy of The Silvercrowned One or even Professor Quirrel. It was a secretary. At first Jane did not even recognize the stumpy figure standing defiantly before her but suddenly a memory returned. It was someone she had seen just after arriving into the underworld, in the induction hall of the first pylon.

"You" Jane whispered.

"You are Mrs Wild's secretary, are you not?"

"Indeed I am, young jackalope" he said.

"I was just like you once. I became a jackalope in order to get some respect. Nobody told me it would be like this; all the work and whining, all the needy weak souls and people peeking over your shoulder. There is never time for any fun! When I first transformed I felt like everything would finally work out. I was like a god, full of power of The Silvercrowned One!!!!"

Jane wanted to reply that she had was not at all like the secretary. She had NOT in any way joined the jackalopes in order to gain fame and power but because she cared for unsaved souls. But she could not form the words and she did not want to. All she wanted was to to rush this shitty little man and push him as far into the underworld she could manage. The Secretary on the other hand just smiled confidently as if he was in the right.

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