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The handwriting of the mission statement was neat but really thin and looping, and read as follows:

Jane, daughter of Tervis, son of Buck, son of Roger, son of Harvey, whose ancestral mother is called Velvet? Yadayadayada. Greetings! You have been assigned a mission of draconic protection in addition to protecting shades always. As you know from your tests, dragons are in a constant danger of being extinct and thus we must do anything we can to protect them. This particular dragon dug down from the mortal world into the underworld long ago, something they are able to do with their magic, and have lived here since. The hole is located in the Siberian mountains, scaring miners with the wailing and gnashing of teeth (the hole is located slightly above Hell).

I have been in touch with some scientists there since they managed to trap part of my essence in their experiments.(honestly, are these people scientists or just amateur occultists?! Anyway, they are an amusing bunch) They will protect the dragon once it is saved and then close the hole. However, the dark power of the underworld makes it so that the dragon cannot fly back without help. The plan is to use the warm and cozy updrafts of Hell to give the dragon's wing some uplift. Go to the third pylon where the dragon is waiting and take it to the chasm near Hell. He will fly up and the scientists will close the hole behind it. You contact among the scientists is a Dr Vincent Wolf and his colleague, Dr Gabriel Stranglelove. Your partners on this mission are:




The male part of the team, already working on nourishing the dragon back to health is:



Meet them at the next pylon.Love~, Tymor

P.S Want to know more about the scientists? This is a mission statement, not my memoirs! But I do like a good story...Let us just say that jumping, spiraling and floating in the cosmic harmony without a care in the world and running into some XCX hurts!

P.P.S Wondering what XCX is? Geez, this should have been on your tests, you know...Anyway, XCX is a big thingamabob hidden in the secret Obsidian Table research facility. Apparently they conducted an experiment in creating teleporters while shooting lasers through moon dust, or something.  

Jane was fuming. Why the heck did she have to be partnered up with that twat Grey for!? Gallinega at least she knew...somewhat...and the mission seemed interesting (if confusingly written). Jane wanted to stay loyal but could not help go up to The Silvercrowned One and asked to be relocated to a different mission.

"Hahaha, no." The Silvercrowned One laughed.

"You just have to suck it up, I'm afraid..."

"Crud-eating bitch" Jane mumbled under her breath.

"You know I do not like her, so why do you place us in the same group for? Idiot!"

For a brief moment Jane could see nothing. It felt like something was hitting the ground below her, hard. It was like she was in the center of a small earthquake that only she could feel. She lost her balance but also her regained her vision. It was over. Jane looked over to The Silvercrowned One, who simply smiled and waved in a friendly manner.

"Gotta go now" The Silvercrowned One giggled.

"Me and Permeter is supposed to have tea with the Marquis of Hoto in ten minutes, and cannot be late for this very important date"

Jane decided to follow orders. Grey and the rest of the group came of to her.

"Hey, I don't like you all that much either but at least I don't go crying to our god about it..." she sneered.

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