Ch.12 : The feeling of the word "Family"

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Everyone in the Tower...even though didn't show it...were super happy. Rose was FINALLY coming today. It's been a long time since they hadn't seen her. She was very sick apparently. All of them spoke to her over phone but it was different than physically being with her. She brought life into the tower. All of them found hope for themselves when they were with her. They were too afraid to claim but they thought of her as their child .....own child. She was like an angel who even with how miserable her condition was managed to makes everyone around her happy. Rose was intelligent, sweet, her smile lit up the room.....she was just amazing. A little sunshine who filled their lives with light and showed them the virtue of pure bliss. But they were soon going to be surprised by a terrible truth they couldn't really believe.

Rose wheeled herself in front if the Avengers Tower. The big A adorning its entrance. Sucking in a deep breathe she left a fit of cough. Her mother had almost choked her to death before she left her house as the water she was asked to boil was apparently not "hot" enough. She had hid the strangulation mark with a turtle neck. Her arms covered with her jacket sleeves and legs with the oversized jeans. She was ready to go in...or so she thought

The elevator door opened with the buzz signaling the arrival of Rose in Tony's lab. " Gosh kiddo you're finally here", exclaimed Toy as he came running to where Rose was and wheeled her inside the lab "Good afternoon to you too Mr. Stark", replied Rose with a giggle.
"Seriously kid, can you take better care of yourself please. You should stop overworking yourself and EAT", said Tony in an over exaggerated tone. "I do EAT Mr. Stark", said Rose in a sassy tone as both of them set on a fit of laughter, pure laughter both Rose and Tony missed so much......both of them very happy and relieved to have each other back.

Just as their laughter session was over came in the group of superheroes excited. "Where is my favourite kid ??", shouted Clint with a smile as the group laughed and walked towards Rose who was grinning ear to ear at the sight of her favourite humans.

All of them hurled up inside the room hugging her one by one.....Although Rose had to bite back winces so as to not let herself out....she loved it. She loved all the hugs and and sweet voices asking her how she was. "Guess we got to celebrate your recovery first ", said Steve as Friday informed evryone of the Pizza delivery. "Why are all of you so happy to have me back ?", asked rose softly....more like a question to herself which was heard only by Bruce who was standing closest to her. Placing his hands on her shoulders and bending to her eye level said Bruce with a kind smile, "of course we are happy kiddo. You are a family". Rose could have cried at how soft and kind Bruce's words were. Family...oh how she loved the word and the feeling of it.

All of them enjoyed their lunch of pizzas together celebrating Rose's recovery followed by a bunch of different flavoured Thor special pop tarts for dessert. After all the food and games the avengers left giving their final hugs to Rose leaving her and Tony alone. "You good kid ?", asked Tony as he saw Rose staring at the avengers' leaving figures. "Y-yeah...yeah I'm good...just....overwhelmed maybe. It is so good to be back.", replied Rose in a dazed tone. "It's good to have you back to kid.....we like having you here.", said Tony hesitantly placing a hand on Rose's shoulders. He had always been awkward with physical affection but something told him that Rose needed it now. "Guess it's time to work ", said Tony clearing his throat. "Finally back to MY desk of scratch and work ", replied Rose with a huge grin spreading across her face which was returned by Tony, both of them sure about the soo to be mess which would cover their now clean lab

Rose was thankful no one doubted one came to know about it....but unknown to her and the others it was only a matter of mere hours until her blanket was blown of....but only for the better

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