Ch.15 : Never even dream of it

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As her eyes fluttered open...Rose was again blinded by the ceiling lights. She stirred on her bed and tried pushing herself up on her weak arms only to be pushed back on the bed by gentle hands. "Don't go so hard on need rest princess", came a soft soothing voice. Letting her eyes adjust to her the bright lights she was met by the concerning and kind eyes of Pietro. "Piet--...oh my god she is awake", said someone as Rose heard a presence coming beside her. From the lack of footstep sounds she realised it was vision and was proved right as she saw a red hand being placed on her right hand through her peripheral vision. She then heard the door open and two pairs of feet screeching through the floor. "How are you feeling sweetheart", "Princess are you alright"... came two soft yet concerning voices she recognized as that of Peter and Wanda. Both of the rushed to her left side comically pushing Pietro out if the way and holding onto her hands never wanting to let go. A chuckle left both Vision and Rose. "I-I am fine", Rose managed to reply with a small smile and a hurting lower abdomen.

Just as Wanda was about to question her more in came Steve, Bruce and Thor. One look at the awakened girl and the three rushed to her side engulfing her in a hug. "Don't scare us again like that", said Thor as Steve and Bruce whispered agreements. "I won't " said Rose trying her best to contain her tears. " Why..w-why didn't you tell us earlier", asked Steve. Rose hesitantly replied back, "I-I was scared...I-I thought you would leave me...I-I don't wanna loose you guys." "We would never leave you we promise honey", Bruce said...sadness lacing his voice. "We love you so much", said Steve and that was all the conformation Rose needed.....but.....she was still nervous about Mr.Stark...what if he thought if her as a freak??.....what if earlier he just was by her side cause he pitied her ?? As she was slipping into her thoughts in came the familiar man. She looked at her side to see Mr. Stark standing there staring at her which made her nervousness rise even more. The others looked at each other silently agreeing to leave them alone as they left the room giving one last hug to Rose.

It took Tony a few seconds to compose himself back as he walked and sat on the stool at the side of her bed slipping his hands into her limp ones and caressing them with his thumb. "How are you doing kiddo", he asked in a soft and gentle tone. "Just fine", answered Rose with a smug look trying to lighten the mood. Thankfully Tony gave her a grin but it soon died down as he started speaking. "W-why didn't you tell earlier...we-we could have ended this ages back...just....god...when is this going on from ?", asked Tony grimly. "Ever since I am paralysed", replied Rose with a shrug. She didn't wanna talk about it rn...she wasn't that ready. As if Tony read her mind he didn't press the subject anymore and simply went forward and hugged her, cradling her head against his chest like he never wanted to leave her again. Rose wrapped her hands around him grabbing onto his shirt tightly as tears finally ran down her cheeks. "Please don't leave me ", she whimpered. "I would never even dream of it Sweetheart."

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