Comfort 🔞

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Yunho never really had a good relationship with his parents since he came out as gay. They always had arguments about why it's wrong and how much happier he would be with a girl, but of course that wasn't yunho. After a few years things settled down a bit. His parents didn't really mention his sexuality as much and yunho never really spoke to the about it either.

Christmas came around and the family were all sitting around the table. His aunties and uncles were there, his cousins and his grandparents. They didn't really know much about yunho's personal life except that he was "questioning his sexuality". That was what his parents told anyone when the topic was brought up in conversation. This was because yunho was very private about it because of how his parents reacted and his parents were always embarrassed to tell people that they're son was gay.

Half way through dinner one of his aunties asked him if he had a girlfriend. He suddenly tensed up and chocked on his wine. (He got the occasional bit alcohol during the holidays.) His parents faces dropped. He hadn't told anyone that he had a boyfriend of almost a year because he knew how they would react.

Yunho kind of brushed the question off and said he wasn't looking for anything. His parents confirmed this saying that yunho didn't have time for girlfriends as he was busy with school. He thought that the questions would stop after his mother mentioned he was too busy. But to yunho's luck it just got worse.

"Oh that's a shame I could set you up with my friends daughter if you want. I know she won't mind you being busy. She's had a little crush on you for a while" one of his aunts said. "I know someone who's looking to settle down and start a family, she's a foreigner tho from America but she can speak Korean so there shouldn't be any problem there" his uncle mentioned. "No, my friend wants me to set her up with yunho, she thinks he's really cute and is totally her type - tall, strong, manly and handsome" his cousin jumped in.

Yunho didn't know what to do, he could feel his chest tightening and no matter where he looked all eyes were on him. He was starting to panic. The final blow was when he met eyes with his parents. He just let it all out and couldn't hold back.

"IM GAY. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. AND IF YOU STILL CANT ACCEPT THAT AND KEEP PRETENDING ITS NOT TRUE THEN I DON'T WANT TO BE APART OF THIS FAMILY!!!" Yunho felt a weight being lifted off his chest. He looked at his family one by one. There were shocked faces of disgust. Shocked faces of surprise but encouragement. Faces of confusion. But nothing could prepare him for the faces of his parents. Anger. Hate. Embarrassment. Disgust.

Yunho gulped and took a deep breath "th-there's nothing wrong with that and I'm not contagious or a disease. I can't control who I like. All I ask for is a little support or encouragement." He continued in a small quiet voice as he was too scared and shocked with himself to continue shouting.

His mother slammed her fist on the table and glared at yunho then stormed out the room. His father following after, bumping shoulders with yunho roughly.

Yunho felt defeated like he just ruined his own life. He looked around the room and saw the rest of his family just sitting there whispering between themselves. "This is just like being back at school when I first came out as gay and no one wanted to talk to me or associate with me" yunho thought to himself.

He couldn't handle it anymore. The whispers, the stares. He knew his family wouldn't accept him. Even if they wanted to support him, they just couldn't betray their belief of boy loves girl, girl loves boy.

Yunho quickly ran out the room slamming the door behind him. Tears threatening to fall down his face. However he was determined not to let his family get the last laugh and see him cry so he managed to swallow the tears until he was alone. All he wanted to do was leave and go to his boyfriends and cuddle up to him and cry in his arms where he felt safe.

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