You should have believed me

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Part 3 of Please believe me

A few days and passed and mingi was still struggling to get yunho to eat anything. "Please eat something yunho, you've not eaten anything in days" mingi begged from the other side of the bedroom door. Yunho avoided him as best he could. Barely coming out of is room and whenever mingi went inside he would turn away and pull the covers over himself.

Mingi had spent amost 2 weeks sleeping on the couch, worried every night incase yunho came through to the take some pills or to leave the apartment and wonder off somewhere and get lost or worse. He hadn't slept properly the whole time. His worry for yunho keeping him awake.

After making sure that mingi was a sleep, the older quietly snuck out of the bedroom to not wake the younger. He decided he wanted some water as he hasn't had a drink all day. He saw the food mingi had made for him and felt a little guilty putting him through all this trouble. He stared at the food then looked away. The thought of eating now after so long makes him want to be sick. He wouldn't be able to keep the food down even if he did try and eat it.

He walked over to the medicine cupboard and tried to open it. "Fuck. Why is it locked." Mingi had decided to put a lock on it so that yunho wouldn't try and take them secretly and end up hurting himself. "Key... I need to find the key" he started looking for the key, being mindful of the other still sleeping. "Where would he hide the key? Come on yunho think..." just then he found it.

'Of course..." mingi had it tied around his neck. He walked up to him debating whither it was worth the risk or not. He decided it was now or never. His hand slowly reached down towards mingis neck, carefully trying to grab the key. He took a deep breath and decided to go for it.

He reached out his fingers and managed to grab it. Just at that moment mingi woke up. "SHIT" yunho thought to himself. Mingi quirked an eyebrow, grabbed yunho and flipped him over. He was now under mingi with his back against the couch and the younger on top of him. Yunho held his breath and closed his eyes. His heart beat fastening. "Breath yunho" mingi told him. "Last time he was under me I could play with his tummy rolls, now there's nothing there. He's lost so much weight" mingi thought to himself while examining the older.

"Is this what you wanted?" He teased changing the topic while holding the key in his hands. Yunhos eyes shot open at the mention. He had been caught. "I-I was just..." yunho stuttered as he didn't want to admit he got caught. "I know what you were doing and I'm not going to let you" he said still hovering over the boy. Yunho looked away in shame and embarrassment. He never wanted it to get to this point.  "I told you, I'm here for you and only you. No matter how long it takes I will help you get better" he said as he gently held yunhos chin turning his head so they were face to face.

"I'm in so much pain mingi...  Y-you can't just fix that. Not when you're the one who caused it" yunho admitted, finally looking him in the eye. "I know and I'm so sorry but that's why I'm here. I want to make it up to you. I want to show you that you deserve all the love in the world and that you deserve to be looked after and be happy. I also want you to know that I'm an idiot. I'm the one thats completely in the wrong. You did absolutely nothing wrong except doing what you thought was best for me. I over reacted and didn't let you explain. I should've believed you. And I'm so so sorry bab... yunho."

He didn't know how to feel after hearing those words. If he was told these words a week ago, he would not be in the state he is in now. "It's too late for those words now. If you had told me that 2 weeks ago... we wouldn't be here in this situation. Why didn't you just believe me?" tears started rolling down his cheeks. "I'm not going to give up on you yunho"  he reassured the crying boy, wiping away his tears.

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