Bad Habits

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It's starting to get dark and yunho is out late still practicing his dance routines. "He always does this when preparing for our comback. He always overworks himself" mingi thought to himself. Yunho and mingi had been best friends since they were 16 and are very special to each other. Mingi always worried about yunho as he was always very hard on himself and always wanted to be perfect and keeps his feelings locked away, hidden by a big, bright smile.

It was now 12:30 am and yunho still wasn't back yet. The other members were worried about him but trusted him to be ok. They didn't know him like mingi did. Whereas mingi knew better than anyone else's what yunho was like and that made him worry even more. When yunho doesn't return home, he blew up his phone with messages and calls, getting no reply "come on pick up yuyu, please be ok" mingi couldn't help but think the worse.

It was now 1am and usually even if yunho was late he was always back by 12:45am. This made mingis heart sink as he looked at the clock. He wanted to go to him in the dance studio and make sure he's ok because this isn't like him. He thought to himself whither to inform his members or not but didn't want to wake them and worry them incase he was over reacting.

He grabs his keys and wallet and drivers over to the dance studio. It wasn't too far away and only took him about 5 minutes. When he went inside, the building was almost empty. Only the staff and a few trainees were still inside. Mingi headed to their practice room and his heart ached as he saw what was in front of him. His best friend, his soulmate was lying unconscious on the floor. Yunho had danced so hard and tired himself out that he had collapsed on the floor. Mingi had no idea how long yunho had been like this and why no one in the building noticed.

"YUNHO!! YUNHO!!" Mingi banged on the locked door trying to get Yunhos attention. "Why is it locked?" he spoke to himself confused as they never locked the door. Yunho had locked the door and asked people not to disturb him as he wanted to focus only on his dancing. After a few minutes of trying mingi decides just to bust the door down. With a few strong kicks the door caved. Mingi ran so fast towards yunho he almost fell.

"Come on yunho wake up for me bub" mingi was panicking as yunho wasn't responding. He decided to call his members and his manager. "What do you mean he's fainted. How?? We thought he would be ok and not over work himself again because this happened last time aswell" hongjoong told mingi over the phone as he and the rest of the members are already in the car with their manager driving. "Just come here and you can scold him later but not right now hyung!" mingi warned hongjoong as nothing was more important than making sure yunho was ok.

While waiting for the manager and his members, mingi knew he couldn't do anything else except be there for yunho. He gently placed Yunhos head on his lap and started to slowly stroke the olders hair. Running his hands through his sweaty locks. Mingi could see now from this position that yunho had big bags under his eyes from stress and lack of sleep which he hid with makeup and he could also tell that he had lost quite a lot of weight as he was always so busy practicing.

This absolutely shattered mingis heart as yunho was always known to love food and had such cute chubby cheeks that mingi and the members liked to squish. "Please come back to me yunho, please be ok, don't leave, I can't live without you" mingi sobbed putting his forehead on top of Yunhos with tears streaming down his cheeks thinking the worst. He was right tho, he really couldn't live without yunho and he doesn't want to either. Yunho is his rock, the person who grounds him to earth, who he is happiest with and feels safest with. Mingi didn't know what he would do if anything happened to yunho. He was too precious to him.

When the rest of the members arrived they immediately ran over to the two boys, the older still on conscious. "Is he okay, have you managed to get a response out of him yet?"  The leader asked. "No, not yet but I'm really worried. He's starting to burn up" the younger stated as he could feel the older starting to burn up in his arms.  "Right no time to wait then, lets get him to the hospital NOW" the leader demanded.

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