Tough Questions

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Dead Days

Chapter One

Tough Questions

We're back with Remington! This starts not long after the last chapter left off. We get to see more into her relationship with her men and how things are starting to unfold there.

And we get to find out who this mysterious new person is!

I can't wait to show you what I have in store, but I do want to warn you that in later chapters things take a bit of a dark turn. The rating for this story is very fitting for this part. Please carefully read the tags! It's all in the flashbacks but there are triggering things in this story.

"Cross my heart and hope for answers

To the questions burning inside"

-Make me believe by The Everlove 

Remington watched in utter fascination as her blood and the infected one mixed. Jenner had shown her what would happen if his own were to mix with someone who had turned. It hadn't been pretty. The cells rapidly changed, turning darker, before the familiar black gunk was left behind. Jenner wouldn't stand a chance if he was bitten.

She expected the same to happen with her blood.

Would that be the same fate she would meet one day? Waiting for cells to be destroyed and changed leaving behind a shell of herself to wander the world in turmoil forever?

The thought was terrifying.

Hovering behind Jenner she watched and waited. He carefully placed her blood in the dish before adding the infected sample. She couldn't see anything that was going on, could only rely on Jenner, and he was like a closed book as he focused on his task.

"Is it possible?" she asked, not managing to keep the question to herself as the emotions of uncertainty flooded her. This was important. Out of everything she had wanted to do for the group, to keep them safe, and change their fates, she never expected to be able to do it on this scale. "If I get bit, do I change?"

The possibility of being able to give them back a world, maybe not the one from before, but a true possibility of normality was far too tempting.

It would be devastating if this first test fell through. It was why she hadn't mentioned anything to the others. She didn't want to give them false hope. She couldn't do that to any of them.

Seconds passed by. Jenner stayed hunched over the sample, his muscles taunt, as he stared feverishly into the lens of the microscope.

Her fingers twitched at her side, drumming lightly against her leg, as she grew impatient. They had already spent the last hour readying everything, him showing her what happened to a normal sample, before finally moving on to hers. She suspected he had been putting it off, subconsciously not ready to know if she was another dead end or the potential for hope.

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Maisie saw the way her mother was physically in front of her except she looked like Shane and her Uncle Jack. Only it wasn't sadness on her face or a lost look, but one of worry, and wariness. Maisie had seen this same look on her mother's face countless times since the dead began to walk.

She reached out, touching her cheek, as she smiled softly, and brought her mother back.

Remington blinked, her eyes falling to where she had been supposed to be reading but had forgotten about.

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