Annie's story

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Hi, I'm Annie Lee.

I love helping people. My parents would say I'm an angel. My parents work as lawyers. I admire how they help people. I love to help people with my kindness. Some may say I'm too nice, but I didn't care what they think. As long as I don't let what anyone's thoughts get to me, I can do anything!

One day in school, I saw some students picking on a boy! "Hey! Leave him alone!" "This boy's a freak!" "If you don't leave him alone, I'm going tell the principal!" The students got scared and ran away. I help the boy up "Are you okay?" "Y-yeah I'm f-f-fine." "What's your name?" "T-T-Toby." "Hi Toby, I'm Annie. Would you like to be friends?" "S-sure." Turns out, Toby has Tourette's syndrome. No wonder why those studies were picking on him. I make sure to help Toby with his studies and to make sure no one bothers him about his Tourette's.

I told my parents about Toby "He suffers from Tourette's syndrome." "Poor thing, it's not easy going through a mental disorder." "Don't worry, I'm going to be the best thing he ever has." "That's my girl."

Every day I would always hang out with Toby every chance I get. One day, Toby had stopped going to school. I turns out the bullying got so bad that Toby had to be home schooled. I went to Toby's house to help him with his homework. I was greeted by his mom and sister. "Toby is lucky to have a friend like you." "No one else has ever been kind to him." "I like helping people." Toby's mom called him to come down stairs. "H-hi Ann-ie." "Hey Toby, I'm here to study." We spent the next few hours doing our homework. I noticed that Toby has his hand bandaged "What happened to your hand Toby?" "Oh, it-t-s not-th-ing." "Dose it hurt?" "N-no. I c-c- can't f-f-feel p-p-pain." I was surprised to hear that. After we finished studying, Mrs Rogers told me Toby also has a condition where he can't feel physically pain. "Also, his...father an't supportive of his disorders." "Have you thought about getting a divorce?" "I can't...he causes threats, especially when he's drunk." "My parents are lawyers." "Thanks for the offer, but I can't." It sounds like Mrs Rogers is too afraid to bring her husband to justice.

One night as my family was having dinner, my mom got a call from Mrs Rogers. "What is it Mom?" "It's Toby, he's in the hospital." It turns out that Toby and Lyra had gotten into a car accident! We rushed to the hospital to see if Toby's ok. We saw Mrs Rogers outside of a hospital room. "Is Toby okay?" "He survived, but Lyra didn't." I went into the room that Toby is in. He looked super sad and scared. "Toby, are you okay?" "M-m-my sister. She's d-d-dead." I'd tried my best to comfort Toby, but I can tell he's very devastated. As me and my parents were on our way home, my mom told me that Toby's dad didn't came to visit his children. "She told me she didn't want us to help her sue her husband." "Some people are afraid to do what's right."

Toby was able to leave the hospital. I was going to check on him but I saw his father was abusing him and his mom. I ran over to my parents to tell them what's happening. As we were about to call the police, the neighborhood was was going into flames! My parents and I evacuated the neighborhood before we were cot on fire. Only a few people survived the incident. I just realized, Toby's house was near the fire! I searched for him after the first was out, but he was nowhere to be found! Because the neighborhood was burned, we had to move to a new location. It was a big change, but I couldn't stop thinking about Toby. "I never should've left his house! I should've barged in and save him!" "You can't blame yourself Annie." "I'm the only one who made Toby feel normal." "I bet you had feelings for him." "What makes you think that?" "I've seen how close you are with him since you first met him." "You really think Toby and I could've been more than friends?" "You're the most kind hearted person, and I bet Toby thought you were the best person he ever met." Mom was right, I made Toby feel like he belonged.

A few months went by, I made myself comfortable in my new live. When summer break came, my friends and I went camping. "We need some more fire wood." "I'll go get them." "Be careful Annie." I went off into the woods to find some fire wood for the camp fire. While I was picking up some branches, I heard a sound coming from the other side of the forest. "Who's there?" The sound was getting louder and louder! A figure was coming towards me! I ran trying to get away whatever is after me! I tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground. I turned to see the figure was a boy with orange goggles, a mouth guard, and 2 hatches! "Don't hurt me!" Suddenly, he hugged me! "Hu?! Do I know you?" The boy took his goggles and mouth guard off, it was Toby! "Toby! You're alive!" "S-sorry, I d-didn't mean to s-sc-scare you." "I thought you died in the neighborhood fire." "Y-yeah, that w-was m-my fault." "Your fault?" It turns out that Toby had got into a fight with his father and accidentally killed him, so he tried to get rid of the evidence by sending the neighborhood on fire. "I'm so s-s-sorry." "Toby, I understand you. What matters is your safe now. That reminds me! I have to get back to camp with the fire wood!" "I'll take you there." Toby lead me out off the woods and we arrived at camp. "Thanks Toby." "Your w-wel-c-come." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I swear I saw his face turn red. I went back to my friends with the fire wood. "Annie, where have you been?!" "I got lost, sorry." "Did I see a boy with you?" "Yea, he's an old friend." "Looks like someone has a boyfriend." And they were right, Toby became my boyfriend.

We would hang out in the forest and have pancakes and waffles together. "So where have you been Toby?" "I th-ought w-when I was g-going to die, a t-t-tall white m-m-man saved m-me, and now I work for him." "Wow, I'm glad he took you in." "I ha-ve two w-wok-kers who s-sometimes we work t-together." "I'm really happy you have a better life now Toby." "One th-ing has-n't changed." "What's that?" "You. You've al-w-ways been there f-for me." "Of course Toby, I will never leave you."

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