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Victor, omega

Toshiaki, omega

Anne (weird girl), omega

Bob, beta

Elsa, alpha

Nassor, alpha

Edgar, alpha

Victor | Sunday October 1st 5 pm

Me and Elsa were taking our practically dead dogs for a walk. The two very much in love greeting through our fences all day and night. And loving when we have doggy play dates. We where currently talking about Halloween. Anne suggesting a horror movie night and Nassor rejecting with the idea to instead make our own monster. For a real Halloween horror movie experience he expressed. Bob on the other hand thinking the obvious choice was trick or treating(of course free food). Elsa was firmly for Anne's idea. Me, Toshi and Edgar still not sure what to do. I fully expected Toshiaki to agree with Nassor the most mischievous of us. But he was just stressing over his new math teacher seemingly hating him (as he put's it) for giving him a B+. 

"I just think we should have one normal day you know. Where Toshi isn't trying to send Bob or Edgar to space. Or Edgar's little money scheme's." I giggled at my best friend's word's nodding along in agreement. Even tho I do see the appeal of each plan's.

"Or Bob trying to make big candy corn's like last year." I added remembering how they gained consciousness and tried to eat him. "Or Nassor and Anne almost ending the world again." 

"Yeah exactly, speaking of Nassor and Anne if they offer you a cupcake deny. They're testing to see if they could make a super food and I'm sure if anyone eat's even one they'll explode." I sighed shaking my head but not surprised not one bit. 

My friend's are really a bunch of insane people. 

Edgar | Sunday October 1st 5 pm

Another lost and of course the team is blaming me again. 

"What the fuck Egore (I'll be spelling it like that cuz gore is his last name and his nickname was e lol)?" Brandon said pushing me into a locker as we grabbed our things leaving home. He was Elsa older cousin but nothing like the kind girl. 

"How the fuck do you miss a tackle?" Joel tissed throwing a empty water bottle to my head. The hard plastic hitting the back of my head. I whine rubbing the back of my head but i could do nothing to hide as everyone's water bottle's and shoes flow at me. The water bottles were nothing but as I turned back a helmet hitting my nose that started gushing blood I winced only making them more amused. Exiting the lockers after they're fun was done. 

"Fucking assholes, dick breath, tiny brain wide receiver" I said under my breath as I gathered my thing's.  "You can't even catch a ball two feet away from you."  I kept complaining  as I walked out. The coach sitting on the bleachers as I stumbled out struggling with my equipment frustratingly. Groaning and shaking his head. I rolled my eyes ignoring the old grumpy bastard ready to go home. But across the street Brandon was waiting to bully someone. I knew because ever since he quit smoking cigarette (because his uncle the mayor found out) he'll stand at in the park kicking his feet angerly till someone look's valuable. 

"E dude!" I looked over too Bob. Even more scared now cause Bob's his favorite target. "Wanna try one of Anne's and-" I was delighted to see Nassor on back of him as he vent over throwing up in the park trash. Running up to the scary tall guy. 

"Wanna brownie or cupcake?" Weird girl asked looking into my soul. I chuckled a bit shaking my head.

"No thanks we just lost the game so not hungry." I said. "Anyway where you guy's going?" I asked hopping it was home. We all lived on the same block or at least closeish. Nassor in the 5 store homes he even has a pool.

"We gonna see if the girl's on the cheer team will eat them?" Nassor explained. "They might explode inside you they might put you at peck health mentally and physically."

"We just need to see if it will work on human's, Mr. Whisker's already ate one and look's healthier right." She held up her weird big eyed stuffy cat with fake fur. It creeped me out but everyone just went along with her using a stuffy like it was alive. Her therapist wanted it as a coping mechanism but it was much more then that to her. 

They honestly need to fire that therapist.

Victor | Sunday October 1st 6 pm

I was starting to feel tired just have gotten off of science school club before this. So I was saying my goodbyes to Elsa and Persephone.

"I gotta go bye  I'll see you tomorrow." Sparky whimpered almost like he understood. "Bye girl see you later too." I waved to the wagging poodle. 

"Bye Victor see-" 

"Hey guy's" Edgar interrupted making me gasp as I saw his nose.

"Damn what happened?" Elsa said suppressing a chuckle but not good. 

"Nothing Elsa none ya." His defensiveness only made her laugh harder to his dis please. "Victor can I go to your house doesn't your mom have bandages?" I sighed nodding there goes a hot shower and nap.

"Yeah I was just going there." He followed behind me walking quickly. Even though he's an alpha he's a bit shorter then me. But unlike my weak self he was muscle and meat. Plus  broader too. 

Elsa | Sunday October 1st 6 pm

Bob trailed behind the two sealing exploding cupcakes. Releasing his guts on the side walk as they greeted me. 

"Let me guess he ate one." I asked Anne answering with her wide eye expression and a dead stare nodding her head slightly. I literally told him not too. Oh Bob I chuckled to myself. 

Edgar | Sunday October 1st 6 pm

"My mom's not here so I'll help you." Victor said grabbing the cut cleaning supplies. I sat on the toilet seat bored just giving him a nod. He stood over me annoyed by my very presents. He had anger for no reason to me all the time. I thought he got over dutch day but he's constantly at odds with me. "Look at me Edgar" He demanded making me laugh. "Ugh fine do it yourself." I rolled my eyes at the dramatic scientist. 

"I'll look at you Victor, dude" I said trying to convince him to stay after I laughed in his face. "Please I got a helmet to the face." He sighed rolling his eyes as he grabbed his supplies. 

"Those other school's need to get they're students in check. This isn't the first time one of them does this to you." I chuckled nervously. Telling him it was another school was less pathetic then my own teammates okay!!

Toshiaki | Sunday October 1st 7 pm

I was finishing my extra credit for math. My home had always been chaotic with my three younger siblings plus my parents divorce finally being finalized this month. My little sisters are  2 and 5. My brother 7 they are all way younger then me. Annoying too since my youngest sister (Miyoshi 2) has been throwing terrible tantrums. My parents arguing how too parent and over they're divorce all at once. It did mean I could do whatever I want tho. As usual my parents trust my judgment allowing me freedom as they wrangle their three disobedient mongrels. 

"Toshi we're leaving!!" My mom yelled I suspected to my grandma's for after Church dinner. She's taking Miyoshi, Michiko my sister and Masatoshi my brother. 

"Okay mother!" I yelled back not looking away from the page. She used to bug me too go but now she knows i just won't. Especially with a grade like this. 

20 minutes home alone studying with no distractions. Just peace when stupid Nassor climbed into my window like an idiot. 


hope you like the first page lol

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