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Weird girl's stuffie but it's white lol

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Weird girl's stuffie but it's white lol

Elsa | Monday October 2nd 1 pm

Me, Victor and Anne waited for the other's at our lunch table. Talking about Edgar's football game I guess Victor wanted us to go.

"Come on he's our friend we should support him."

"Why would we go not even the cheerleaders go to support them?"  I chuckled a bit at Anne's word's, she had a point tho. 

"Plus he probably doesn't even want us to. He'll get even more embarrassed if we do go and support him." We all know he's bad why go see how bad.

"You guy's are being selfish, I didn't want to say anything but his parents don't even go to his games." Me and An both looked at each other empathetic for Edgar. 

"I guess we should" I said giving in Anne nodding in agreement. 

Just then the rest of the guys showed up. Toshiaki with his healthy self packed lunch the rest eating the same sloppy joes as us they served today. 

"You guys couldn't even score once?" Nassor asked Edgar amused but you couldn't tell by his dead facially expression. Bob and Toshiaki chuckled at his words. 

"You guys will get better, I'm sure of it." I said hoping it would cheer him up.

"You haven't seen them play huh?" Toshi asked. "I sent Roger to go interview the team at their practice. Look at this" Roger is in our news paper club a interviewer, I'm a investigator and Toshiaki's the club president. He brought his phone out allowing us to see the wreck of a game we would be attending. I tried not to laugh as they all tripped on one another making a huge fumble for the whole team. Toshiaki on the other hand bursted out laughing. 

"I get it we suck it's not like we're going to nationals." Edgar rolled his eyes. 

"It doesn't matter if you guys do, I mean you guys just started so I think you guys could." Victor said sweetly to Edgar with a smile. 

"Did you not just see the video Victor." Toshi asked sarcastically still chuckling. I couldn't help but chuckle along. Even though I knew Victor had good intentions it was still hilarious for a team to fail so miserably. 

Victor | Monday October 2nd 2:05 pm

As we left the lunch hall I talk with Elsa, Edgar, Anne and Bob. Toshiaki off to his study hall and Nassor for some reason following him. 

"Edgar don't feel bad because you guys suck." Anne said trying to be comforting. 

"Yeah dude you guys will get better" Bob added

"Yeah and all of us will go to your game on Friday." I chimed in. I had done some research from the school website turns out this is just they're pregames before nationals teams are determined. Meaning they had time to get better and I wanted to make sure Edgar felt support through it. 

"You guys are?" Ed asked shocked. Seeing that everyone else agreed to it. "Well you guys will only be disappointed." He said playfully in a joking manner but I could tell he just wasn't confident that's why we have to be there for him. 

"Well it doesn't matter we're still going." Elsa said stepping to the front of the group. "Anyway this is our classroom see you two later." 

"Yeah bye guys" Bob said happily, Anne waving bye too as the three left us. Since me and Edgar were alone I wanted to talk to him about his game next Friday as we walked to art.

"I can't wait to go maybe afterwards we can like get burgers." I said hopping it would cheer him up and build a sense of companionship between us. 

"Only if your buying" He snort laughed. 

"Fine but only cause it's your game." I said rolling my eyes. We walked into art class taking our seats at  the back. 

Toshiaki | Monday October 2nd 2:05 pm

I didn't want anything on my mind but my math class. But as Nassor always does is the opposite. He wanted to talk about my mom offering him to come eat at mine. I honestly don't think he could handle it.

"I'm not sure you'd want to." I said chuckling.

"No I do" He answered quickly intent on coming. 

"Fine I guess" I groaned as we stopped in front of the livery my study hall period here. "But you can't say I didn't warn you when Miyoshi is throwing her food at you." He nodded seemingly not caring. But I know Robert Nassor. He's a rich clean quiet guy, why would he put up with my loud dirty explosive family. It makes no sense. I groaned once more before leaving Nassor behind, remembering the question I asked last night.

And what he would've said if we weren't interrupted. 

Edgar | Monday October 2nd 4 pm

I wasn't psyched my friends where going to my game. Especially that cold hearted omega Toshiaki. At least Victor had seemingly dropped all the feelings he held with me telling everyone his idea for the science fair. We had practice now but no one was feeling it. Honestly we never do I think that's why we suck. So as they guys sat around I decided to do tackling drills on the dummy's. I know it's dumb but since Victor had encouraged me and stuff and actually wanting me to win I didn't want to look like an idiot in front of him.  I was by myself once Brandon came over. He looked angry as always making me nervous he needs someone to bully. 

"What are you doing Egore?" He asked looking down at me. I gulped stuttering.

"P-practi-ngg" I said.

"Oh cool"He said unknotting his eyebrows. He turned to the other guys on the bench confused. "Matthew, Nicky get down here and help me practice."The two immediately stood doing so. Joel saw this and stood next. Making everyone else join the field. 

The old coach was sleeping under a tree like always. I guess that's why we slack so hard.

Toshiaki | Monday October 2nd 4:30 pm

I was happy I had the news paper club today. Finalizing tomorrows paper especially missing dinner with Nassor. I hope he's suffering right now with my family. Yes I hope he never decides to come for dinner again. 

Since I was done with my work and hopefully Nassor had became annoyed by my family already. I packed my things and was off. Leaving the door from the back of the class leading straight outside and the exit close. Some how still being stop by Nassor. Groaning as I bumped into the one I thought was already at my home. 

"I baked these in my club hopefully your mother and little sister will like them." He said showing me some gorgeous brownies.

"What are you a girl scout." Insulted before rolling my eyes and leaving. Him following behind.

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