The Date

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"Boys!" Sirius's voice called up the stairs, Harry's lips pulled from Draco's silencing him with a finger "the meeting starts in half an hour, you better get going if you're going to avoid the early ones!" At the bottom of the stairs, Sirius moved back into one of the many drawing rooms. Above him, Harry and Draco lay facing each other on Harry's bed where they'd gotten carried away earlier.  
"We'd better go-" Harry said, sitting up and looking around at Draco who had raised to his feet and was pulling a cashmere turtleneck and returned from his neighbouring bedroom with a black blazer. Getting up to join his boyfriend out of the door, Harry pulled on a woolly peacoat and wrapped his Griffindor scarf around his neck.
"Hang on, let me just go first and check!" Harry insisted as Draco stood patiently at the top of the staircase.
"Alright, let's get going." Harry had just finished saying as Draco trotted confidently down the stairs when they heard a distinctive popping noise within a split second Harry threw the invisibility cloak from his pocket over Draco when Dumbledore suddenly appeared in the hallway.
"Oh hello, Harry!" The Headmaster greeted him cheerfully.
"Hello, Professor!" Harry grinned, trying his best to hide the shock.
"Not staying for the meeting?" He gestured at Harry's coat and scarf.
"Uhm-" he hesitated
"No of course not, that reminds me-" Dumbledore searched his pocket before producing a small business card "you have a reservation for 7:00!"
"Professor?" Harry asked, taking the card with his name handwritten on the back followed by the time and that evening's date.
"Yes, I've made dinner reservations for Draco and yourself!" Harry tried to act confused, badly masking the fear beneath.
"M-Malfoy's not here, sir!" Harry laughed, scratching the back of his head. 
"Oh yes-" Dumbledore smiled, a twinkle in his eye "that's right, Draco's at Hogwarts!" The professor winked and hurried off around the corner muttering about Sirius's scones.
"Come on," He whispered to Draco, taking his hand under the cloak "let's get out of here!"
"Heading out?" Sirius grinned "I heard what Dumbledore said"
"How did he know?" Harry whispered to his godfather, still holding Draco's hand under the cloak
"No idea, let's see the card?" Harry handed it over, still shellshocked.
"Oooh! Fancy!" He mocked, Harry nudged his lightly, rolling his eyes "Well enjoy yourselves! I'll see you later on." He smirked watching them leave, Draco pulling off the cloak and brushing the lint off his dinner jacket.

It was quarter to midnight when Harry and Draco finally staggered into the house. Draco's head was lolling around on Harry's shoulder, as Harry held him up.
"You stayed up?" He asked Sirius who was sitting in the drawing-room in a chair facing the door
"Yeah, well I didn't want you kids getting attacked by death eaters or something" He hardly looked up from his paper as he whispered "although I'm sure lover boy would behave gotten you out of it" under his breath
"Sirius." Harry warned, shaking his head slightly,
"Nope! Nope, no! I don't eat such common things as death!" Draco's drunken and hiccupy laugh caught Sirius's attention. 
"Enjoyed your evening I see." Sirius peered at them over his reading glasses and put his paper down. 
"He'd ordered another bottle before I'd finished my first glass." Harry huffed with a loving smile as while his godfather laughed quietly
"At least he'll go down quietly." They shared a smile and Harry lifted the other boy up, deciding he could sleep in Harry's bed tonight, to keep an eye on him...


Not over until I say it is! (A Drarry and Harry Potter fanfiction | Over series)Where stories live. Discover now