*Male Mei Dragon Reader*
"They are my best friend. I'd never abandon them when they needs me! We're heroes, it's what we do!"
While training with your mother and father an old man enter your home asking for help. The old man known a...
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Chapter four Master of Spinjitzu: Red ninja
"I'm not a ninja."
3rd person pov:
[Name] and Wu were heading to Ignacia where the last ninja would be. [Name] look around, "So this where the last ninja is? What's his name... Kai?" Wu nodded and you two head inside the Four Weapons Blacksmiths.
"No matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight. That may work for you, Nya, but I'm gonna be a better blacksmith than Dad ever was." A guy with dark brown hair spoke.
[Name] and Wu entered the shop, "Hmm… your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down. Useless in the art of stealth. All tools for a samurai, but nothing for a ninja?" Wu asked. Kai attention turn to the two of them.
"Ninja? Huh, you're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts, old man. And the shop is called "Four Weapons," not "For Browsing." Either buy something or go peddle your insults somewhere else."
[Name] snorted at Kai statement, he pointed his thumb at him and look at Wu, "I like him."
Wu look back at Kai, "Ha! Too bad. Thought I'd find something special here. " Nya motions to Kai to show Wu around.
"If it's something special you're looking for, let me sh—" He turn to see [Name] and Wu gone.
"What is it?" Nya asked
"They were just… forget it."
[Name] whistle in amusement As the siblings fight the Skeleton Army. What is happening? Apparently some skeleton thingy had attacked the village and they are aiming to the Four Weapons.
Kai finishes off the last of the Skulkin warriors when Samukai approaches him. Kai takes out his weapon while Samukai takes out four more, while also revealing that he has four arm.
Kai realizing how outmatched he is winced, "Oops…"
Samukai easily disarms Kai and knocks him down. As Samukai is about to give him a deadly blow, a golden tornado approaches Samukai and attacks him.
"Uhm... Should we step in?" [Name] asked looking at Wu.
Wu didn't replied and used Spinjitzu, "Ninja, go!" He attacks Samukai again.
"Sensei Wu! Your Spinjitzu looks rusty." Samukai claimed.
"Nothing like bone to sharpen its edge, Samukai." Wu defend.
Samukai notices a knocked down Kai and a water tank above him, and destroys one of the support legs to crush Kai with the tank.
Kai noticing the tank, "Oh no…!"
[Name] summoned his energy dragon and saved Kai from the falling tank. Kai look at [Name] who was carrying him bridal style. "Oh wow, you're light." [Name] commented looking at him.
Samukai retreats into his Skull truck with the map, but not before leaving Wu a message. "Lord Garmadon says take the girl!" He ordered.
Wu eye widen, "Lord Garmadon?"
Kruncha laughs as he launches the truck's bone hand to grab Nya.
"Nya!" Kai jumped down his arms. The Skeleton Army escape with Nya in their hands.
"They took Nya…"
"I told you." Wu approach them and he hits Kai's head with a bamboo stick, "Useless." [Name] sweatdrop while Kai look furious.
"Arrgh! You could've done something! You could've used your… Twistitzu or your—"
"Spinjitzu!" Wu corrected.
"But you both did nothing! I'm going to get my sister back!" Before he could leave [Name] grab the back of his neck. "Yeah bud you ain't going anywhere."
"Wha- Hey! Let go of me!"
"Where they go, a mortal cannot. That was Samukai, King of the Underworld. And if it's true that he's carrying orders for Lord Garmadon, then I fear things are much worse than I ever thought." Wu explain appreciate them.
"Lord Garmadon?! Underworld?! What's going on?! What do we have that's so important to them?! And why would they take my sister?!" Kai asked still trying to get out of [Name] hold.
"What's so important? How about everything in Ninjago itself?"
[Name] eye twitch, he silently groan clearly done hearing that all over again. After Wu told everything to Kai, he managed to convinced him to train.
Wu told [Name] to tell the other to not leave their room for awhile. [Name] sigh and sat boredly waiting for Wu and Kai back in the monastery. 'I wonder how Lloyd is doing.' He thought.
[Name] perk when the gateof the monastery open. Kai look around in surprised, "A monastery? You expect me to learn to fight in a place of peace?" He asked.
"Not fight. Train. In order to become a true ninja, first you must be able to see what others do not." Wu corrected.
"But there's nothing here." Kai pointed out. Wu look at [Name], understanding he pushes a dragon statue, which reveals a secret button. He pushes it, activating all the training equipment in the monastery.
"Whoa! Is this gonna teach me how to do that cool move?" Kai asked. He goes on top of one of the training poles as it descends.
"Oh, dear." [Name] and Wu mumbled.
Kai gets launched into the dragon symbol and falls back on the ground. [Name] slightly winced covering his mouth.
"Complete the training course before I finish my tea. Then we will see if you are ready." Wu drinks the entire cup. "Today you failed. Tomorrow you will try again."
Kai turned to him confused, "Failed?! But I didn't even start to—"
Wu closed the door of the monastery, "Patience." Kai eye twitch while [Name] couldn't help but laugh. He slap the back of Kai head, "Don't worry about it! Are you hungry? Za- I mean we have some food inside come."
[Name] smile and dragged him inside the monastery. "Hey, are you a ninja to?" Kai asked as he sat in front of the table. [Name] put a food in front of him, "Nope, I'm not a ninja. Just here to help the ninja out!"
"Oh... Now that I think about it... What's your name?" He asked "You know mine, may I know yours?" [Name] grin sheepishly, "My name is [Name]."