🐉Chapter two🐉

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Chapter twoThe second Ninja

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Chapter two
The second Ninja

"I am not a ninja."

2nd person pov:

"Aw man, do you have to join?" Jay whine looking at you and Master Wu. You smile apologeticly, "Sorry, Jay. Good luck with the chores though." You said teasingly making him pout. You laugh and bid goodbye walking with Master Wu, "So, who's this next Ninja?" You asked.

"We'll be meeting the Master of Earth. Prepare yourself, we're gonna go rock climbing."



You were looking down, watching the climbers make their way up, "Eheheh look at them go." You said oddly satisfied watching them struggle. What? You may or may not took some of your father villainous traits.

One of them made it at the top ahead of the others, he made a small cheer only for his excitement turning to a confusion seeing Master Wu already drinking tea with you looking at him.

"What? When did you two get here?" He asked with a little hint of disbelief, "Hah, we've been here for hoours." You replied with a cheeky grin, "Aw man! And I thought I made it first." He complained.

You appear besides him making him jump in surprised, "So this is the next ninja?" You asked poking his cheek, "Hey stop that! Who the hell even are you two?" Master Wu stood up and approach the two of you. You eventually stop poking him and walking besides Master Wu.


"Name's Cole." The guy introduced extending his hand, you shook it and introduce yourself. "So you mean I will get to learn those cool Spinjutsu thingy?" He asked likes little child.


"Awesome! That's way better than Dancing." Cole commented, "So, where are we going?"

"To the Monastery!" You replied cheerfully,

"Wait, you guys aren't gonna kidnapped me right?"

"Pft-! Nooo, why would we?"

After making it up the monastery Master Wu open the door and was greeted by Jay who were cleaning the training ground, "Oh, you guys are back." Jay greeted, "Oooh! You must be the other students, Name's Jay." "And, I'm Cole." The two introduced.

"Jay, activate the train course. We'll see how long it's gonna took for him to pass." Master Wu order.

Jay grin and activate the training course making Cole whistle in amusement, "Woah, this is cool." "I know right?!" You sit besides Master Wu who took out his tea set, "You must finished this course before I finished my tea." Master Wu started pouring the cup, You and Jay look at Cole, "You should start." The two spoke simultaneously.


But, Master Wu already finished his tea, "Today, you failed. We'll try again tomorrow." He said shutting the door, "What?! Failed?! I haven't even started yet!" You and Jay laugh at him. "Come on new stuffs, well show you around." You said grabbing his wrists.


Having Cole around was okay for the two of you. Though he's not an inventor like you and Jay he often joined you two telling someone random stories. It took him at least a full week before he succeeded which is two days earlier than Jay, "Hah! Beat that!" Cole cheered while Jay whined, "Aww man! That's not fair!"

"Congratulations Cole." Cole did a victory pose, "Heh, I'm so cool. So, when am I gonna learn those Spinjutsu move?" He asked looking at you and Master Wu, "Yeah, when?" Jay added. You chuckled, "You two already learned it." You said, Master Wu turned around leaving the three of you.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Cole asked raising an eyebrow, "Don't worry! You guys will figure it out. Welp, I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm gonna join Master Wu finding the next Ninja so I have to take a lot of rest. Goodnight you two." You wave at them before entering the Monastery leaving the two confused.

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