3| Duelling the Shane

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"I still don't understand why can't I come with you," Junjie questioned Eli in the garage, with the three of us already mounted our mechabeasts.

"I still don't understand how you don't get it," Eli facepalmed. "Ales and I are going to train by ourselves, Jun. It's a date."

Perching on my shoulder, Phoenix shook her head in disappointment, before she chirped at Burpy, seemingly trying to convey a message to her husband. Burpy responded with a dramatic shrug, before he started chirping again and pointed to Joo Joo, who was perching on Junjie's shoulder. Joo Joo then looked offended and started arguing with Burpy, and the two male Infurnuses started getting into a heated argument on their slingers' shoulder, not making it any better for anyone.

"Men," I sighed. Phoenix groaned in annoyance on my shoulder. I couldn't do anything other than to watch and wait for them to resolve the issue.

That was a lie. I could do something, but chose not to.

"I understand that it's a date, but can't I just tag along? I cherish every opportunity to better my slinging skills, and-" Junjie defended himself using the same phrase for the third time, but this time, Eli cut him off.

"Okay let me just put it this way," Eli said, and I deadpanned. Dalinda groaned, as she decided to lay down on her belly, crossing her front legs gracefully in front of her as we waited for the two grown men to talk this out.

"Imagine you're going out with a girl you're interested in," Eli started.

"Got it," Junjie said almost immediately.

"And you invited her to have dinner with you at the restaurant that sells the best Chinese noodles in the Eastern Caverns," Eli continued.

"Okay?" Junjie said, with a wide smile pasted on his lips.

I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Wait, what's with the smile?" Eli asked teasingly. "You have a girl in mind that we don't know about?"

"Just continue," Junjie chuckled.

"So you two went into this restaurant and ordered their best dishes, when all of a sudden," Eli said, banging Lucky with his fist for sound effect. "A random guy came and sit at the same table as you and your girl. He's not talking to you two but just silently eating his own noodles at the same table. How do you feel?"

"Awkward? Annoyed? I feel like I will blast him," Junjie said, cracking his knuckles.

"That's a bit unnecessary," Eli laughed. "But you get the idea. That's why I would really appreciate it if I can spend some quality time with my girl, with no one else. Don't get me wrong, the three of us can hangout. It's just that today's slinging session is supposed to be a date."

Junjie went silent, thinking intensely.

"How about the three of us, or the entire Shane Gang, go slinging later today or tomorrow?" Eli suggested.

"Fine," Junjie finally gave in. "I'll go back to rest then."

Junjie got off of his mechabeast and walked back into the hideout, with Joo-Joo perching on his shoulder, chirping at his slinger curiously.

"What's that about?" Eli mumbled underneath his breath as the garage door leading into the hideout closed behind Junjie.

"Fear of missing out?" I asked Eli. Dalinda finally got up to her feet.

"He used to be a solo slinger, might still be, so in my opinion that's unlikely," Eli shrugged. "I don't know. Anyway, where do you want to go practice at?"

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