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Hello my cutiess!
I'm so sorry, this is a short chapter but I literally have my midterms in 15dayss and I am writing this chapter down while sitting in my classes🤡

Although you guys enjoy.😏🦖

Author's POV

"Yes! Talk" Abhiman said.

Noor cleared her throat and kept her fork down.

"Vo hukum. I'm sorry, I had to accept this proposal, I had no other option. I know you said you won't accept me as wife but-"

"But you still chose to marry me. What a gold digger you are?"

Noor was taken aback by his comment and she replied.

"Excuse me!! I know you're royal but my dad has an equal bank balance as you."
Noor sassily replied.

"Yeah I know how he got that so called MONEY." Abhiman whispered under his breath which didn't go un-noticed by Noor.

"What! What did you say?"

Abhiman took a deep breath. He prepared himself for what he was about say. He knew it'll hurt her queen but he has no other option. He has to stay away from her and he has to make her hate, so he said-

"Don't you have any self respect or self esteem. I told you not to accept it. I told you this proposal will be living hell for you and yet! You accepted! How dumb are you? Anyways what's done is done and now I'll make sure to make you regret your decision for your whole life." He said.

Noor's eyes glistened hearing his words. Nobody has ever talked to her like this, but she held back her tears and looked him straight into his eyes.

"Not that you care to hear why I did what I did but just to place it on table ,my bade papa asked me to say yes or else... whatever-
but then my family got into an argument and bhai and dad were about resign from the company and I couldn't see that happening so I said yes. "Noor said in one breath and stood up.

"Here is my share. Thankyou for this amazing date." She said sarcastically and threw money on the table and started walking.

Abhiman stood up and grabbed her from her wrist and pulled her towards him.
He turned her around to make him face her and bent down a little to look directly into her eyes. Though she was wearing heels, she reached just near his chest .

He held her from her waist tightly making her moan a little.

"Get this is in little brain of yours. Nobody disrespects me! NOBODY! Don't try it again or else the outcomes won't be in your favour." He whisper-yelled at her.

Noor got really scared due to their proximity. They have never been this close before. But she couldn't let him see her nervous so she stood on her toes to come closer to his ear. Her movement shocked Abhiman and he loosened his grip on her waist.
She leaned in closer to his ear and whispered
"And what if I do."

She pushed him from his chest to get away from him and she succeeded because Abhiman was too shocked by her movements. She looked him straight into his eyes and said again-

"Also, do not dare to touch me again without my permission." and she turned back to walk out.

Abhiman was speechless.
He was too stunned by her confidence.
He imagined Noor to be all sunshiny and vanilla but today she released a mask which was on her aura all the time. She let her darkness reflect in her eyes today.
'Indeed she is made for me. But I'll make your life a living hell little wife.'
He thought.

"Vanie! Come pick me up. I'm sharing you my live location."
Noor called Vanie to ask for her help as she came here with her cute devar sa and couldn't go back inside to ask help from his akdu pati.

Vanie arrived there in 10 minutes as she was near by only and they both left in her car while Noor told her everything that's going on.

"Holy-Moly! Oh my god!! Abhiman is so hot. He literally did wattpad guys wala thing. Noor you're so lucky-"

Noor gave her an offensive side eye, seeing her bestfriend siding for her nalayak to-be husband.

"Uhm Sorry....So you want to leave him?"

"No Vanie. Are you crazy? I cannot."

"Okay fine woman! Don't scream at me! You know you already have a rough past.... and as far as I know, he had some very bad heartbreak 2 years ago. He hasn't been same since then. First when he took off his position as a CEO, everything went good until after a few months Chauhan's had a huge downfall. Their shares literally went vertically down for the first time in like 100 years. I guess some real bad shit happened between his ex and him, nobody knows exactly what happened but I'm sure it must have been really ugly because as far as I know Abhiman, he never let his personal life reflect over his business but that time it did.
However my point is, Noor your should give him and yourself a chance. What if he changes?"

"Vanie!!! Shaadi karna mazak nhi h. What chance? What if he doesn't changes?"

"Then it's your fate Noor. Don't lie to yourself babe, I know that you have asked for Abhiman in each and every prayer of yours. And look, god is finally giving you what you wanted but wants to test you a little and I'm sure you'll pass this test."

"Urgh! When did you started to sound so right?"

"I am always right Noor. Look I've never been a great adviser but this time follow your heart Noor because babe when we turn 60 or something and recall all our decisions we took, we don't want regret them. Either we want to laugh on them and be satisfied that we took them."

"You know it's hard to believe that I'm the mature one and you're the bitch between us when you talk like this." Noor said with tears in her eyes hearing her bestfriend sounding all grown up.

"Chal abh kuchh khaate h yaar. Uss akdu n kuchh khaane hi nhi diya."
(Now let's go eat something. That brat didn't even let me eat there.)

"If you would have wait there more, he would have eat you instead." Vanie replies with a sheepish smile.

"Vanieee!! Shut up yarr. I've so much sympathy for your future husband. Bichara. " Noor said blushing a little on her previous comment.

They both went down to Mc'd drive through and ate in car while bickering about everything.

Chalo guys let's not stretch this and shaadi krvalete h unki! What say?😉

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