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Hello my cute little cupcakes! 🧁

Sorry I was not ready with a chapter as I've back to back exams going on and soon I'll be having my pre boards.

This chapter is solely written because you guys weren't letting me breathe and DASHING my dms continuously.

Also thankyouu so muchh for 1000 followers on Instagram😭💗. (sher overwhelm hogaya h)
Ignore the typos🤡

Abhiman's POV

Is she se-

self harming?

No. No. No

The intoxication due to alcohol was long gone now. The fire inside me was igniting. My anger was raging.

".....are you hurt?" She almost yelled and grabbed my arm I don't know checking for what?


I pushed her hand down and held her by her shoulders in a deadly grip. I looked at her hazel eyes, now red due to unshed tears.

I swear to fucking god if she cries-


I can handle everything but not her tears. They have some kind of a black magic. Whenever I see Noor's crying or even a single tear, my heart shatters and breaks down into pieces and I fucking don't know why.

No. Focus Abhiman.

I took a deep breathe and yelled at the highest pitch ever- "What were those marks on your thighs and don't you dare to fucking lie, Noor."

Her eyes filled with pain.

Her lips wobbled and I looked at them and remembered what I did a few minutes ago.

I looked back at her beautiful hazels which were tearing up now.

And that's my end.

I took her in my embrace as quickly as humanly possible and pulled her on my lap.

She hid her face in the crook of my neck and held at my collar so tightly like her life depended on it. Out of nowhere I started kissing her on head.

"Shhh baby. It's okay." I said and hugged her more tightly cooing her like a baby.

Like I know a fuck about babies.

That's when I realised how much gone case I am now. One single scratch on her body and I'll bury down the cause 6 feet down in his grave.

"Plea... please.. trust me, I didn't do anything.... I di-" she tried speaking between her sobs but couldn't make out even a single line.

"I- I'm not..."

"Shhh, Noor. I'm here." I said kissing her hairs and pulling her more on my lap. She hid her face in the crook of my neck and continued crying.

I cannot see this woman in pain.


It had been more than 30 minutes of us staying like this in this position.

I know it's weird to say this when she is crying, but I might never let her go from this position. I like the way she fits between my arms.

I was caressing her hair all the time when she was crying. One thing is for sure now, I can handle everything and anything, but her tears- I might end the world seeing them.

It's been 10 minutes she has stopped crying now, I didn't utter a word since past 30 minutes.

I could hear her sobs and snore mixing together.

She slept? Oh, she slept.

"Noor.... Baby... wake up." I tried to wake her up by tapping on her cheeks very slowly.

I pulled her a little back to look at her face and....

Oh she looks so cute while sleeping.


I picked her up in my arms and she fitted in it like a missing piece of a puzzle. I headed back towards the car.

As I was walking towards the exit, an audible gasp came from behind. I looked back, and jayveer(his assistant) was standing there.


"S-Sir." He was looking at me and Noor alternately. Why is he looking at-

Oh. Oh.

Her small dress was rolled upto her thighs and her bare back was on display.

I glared back at Jayveer and he removed his gaze from us and said goodnight in return I just nodded and head back.

I settled her on the front passanger seat.

There was no cars present in parking lot except mine. Hmm it's past midnight now.
Everyone might have left.

I removed my overcoat and kept in on her and went to my seat.


We reached home and I picked her up again to her room and settled her on her bed.. my former bed. I removed her heels.

Her feet were swollen. Why? Why does she have to wear such things.

I went back inside the washroom and came back with an oil.

The bottle reminds me of the back massage day. Ohh her waist chain.

I was rethinking that day when I saw an animal kind of thing staring at me.

Her penguin.

This bitch. He used sleep with her everyday. Huh. Idiot cotton brain.

Wait. Focus.

I settled myself on the bed near her feet and started massaging them slowly. Her skin is soft and glabrous. It feels soothing.
I massaged her another feet and kissed them.

A groan escaped from her mouth at my movement. Shitt.

I don't know why I did it. But it just felt right.

My gaze shifted to her beautiful thighs. Yes beautiful from afar and injured from inside.

I covered her body with the duvet and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I know I am the worst person to have as a husband." I said and sat down on my knees near her bed.

I looked at her beautiful face glowing in the moonlight coming from outside. I couldn't resist myself and I touched her neck again. My favourite spot, exactly where her pulse can be felt.

I was about to stand up when she grabbed my arm and pulled it towards her settling it between hers.

Like she was afraid of being alone, like she wanted an anchor to... but to what?

"Kitna kuchh saha h aapne, Noor?"
I said slowly and settled myself on the floor while looking at her.

I don't how many hours has passed like this but if I can, I want to stop the world now. I want to look at her like this forever. She looks like peace.

She shifted a little more and pulled my arm towards her like it was her own plushie. Better than her penguin I guess.

Haha, in your face you cotton doll.

My palm was now between her thighs and she closed her legs placing my palm tightly between them.

And my forearm pushed in between her-

Her boobs?

Oh my god. Why am I blushing? I am a man.

Stop it Abhiman.

To be continued

Please wait the next chapter will be up as soon as possible. I've ended the chapter on good note. No spoiler.

Abh pls baksh do mujhe😭

And I'm giving no target because I know I won't be able to present a chapter jldi. But do vote for my good luck in exams😂💀.


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