- Bonding - 11

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"By the beards!" I hear a gruff voice shout as I appear from the shadows.
A large group of men are all standing around in a circle. I glance between them hastily, this is Shanks's crew.
"Captain watch out!" Another one shouts from my left.
I jump up into the air as another man takes aim with his gun. His shot powerful but misses me by a hair.
"Ah, it's you Sumari." I hear Shanks laugh, "Settle down men, she is a guest."
I look at him surprised as he twirls my feather between his fingers. I eye it warily, wondering how he even found it in the slit..
"It was certainly well hidden so I assumed it be best I held on to it. To my surprise it started to grow in power then poof here you are."
"Do you plan on returning it?" I raise an eye brow cautiously.
"I seen Luffy has one, he tucked it in his hat. Is it that valuable?" He continues to twirl my feather gingerly.
"Not really..." I land softly in front of him, tucking my wings away.
"So what brings you here anyway little miss?" Shanks looks up to me finally.
"I came to restore your arm under orders of Captain Luffy." I state firmly.
"Oh? Can you do such a thing?" He asks me skeptically.
"It is simple and quick." I step closer, trying to keep my eagerness in check.
"Are you /only/ doing it cause Luffy ordered you too?"
"No. Now please roll up the sleeve." I lean over stretching my hand out.
"What if I don't want you too?"
"Captain!" The man closet to him shouted, "Surely you jest?! Let the Raven girl do it!"
"She is doin it for herself Beckman, what do I get from this exchange besides just an arm?" Shanks raises his eye brow.
"Are you serious?" I look at him incredulously.
"Deadly serious little miss. After all I gave this arm up as a proof of my determination." His gaze is powerful and full of authority.
"What do you want from me in order to restore your arm then?" I sigh not wanting to over push my luck.
"Hmmmmm... Oh I know how about you forge me a sword. One for my second arm to use. If I have a sword to wield then I suppose it would be handy to have it back." He smiles devilishly, his words hitting me like an attack.
"You got to be even a bigger idiot then my Captain! You are a cheeky bastard Shanks." I cross my arms irritated that I played right into his plans.
"What? You can't do it?" He teases, trying to annoy me.
"I don't even know what this world has for materials." I snap harshly, how could I let this happen.
"Don't worry about that, I already have everything you could possibly use. Hey Beckman can you bring me my chest."
"Right away Captain."
Soon the man comes and places a chest bewteen Shanks and myself, opening it. There shone brilliant stones and crystals of varying colors and power levels. Metals I have never seen before either.
All of which could make useful blades if utilized correctly. I could actually make him a blade using many of these, I realize upon further inspection.
I glance back up at him, "If you truly want me todo this, then you must also partake."
"What do you need me todo?" He smiles excitedly, his eyes glancing over my own blades.
"Uggghhhhh damn you pirates... I guess I can use your blood." I bend down and rummage through the chest, caving in.
I choose a large red crystal that has an odd sensation coming from it. Flicking through the rest, I settle on two more stones to blend as well.
I turn and sit down infront of Shanks, stacking the crystals, "Once I start the process there is no stopping. Your men will have to be our shield till we are done."
I look around nervously, as we aren't on their ship and many of these humans could prove a challenge were they to turn suddenly.
"Worry not, this is our own private island. We are well hidden here." Shanks assures me.
"Understood," I grab his hand and place it over the stones. "You will need to slice your palm once the glow flickers red and allow the blood to flow into it." I hand him a small dagger I keep hidden in my cloak.
"Is that all?"
"Don't pull away till I'm done." I roll my eyes wanting to hurry this up, Fang and Rozen both ready to aid me if necessary.
I close my eyes and focus on breaking down and remaking the crystals' structures. I feel my hands burning hot, my mana melting them into a liquid. I soon feel Shanks's energy being drawn in, once that happens I start to shape the molten liquid.
Molding it to fit Shanks's firey energy, working his blood deep into the folds. Soon the liquid takes a soild form, it's thin edge shines brilliantly. Yet it is thick and has a nice curve to it, almost like a scythe. For the final touches I whisper a few words of power, adding enchantments of a few elements.
I release my energy and stumble backwards, it has been way too long since I forged any blade. I chuckle lifting it up to hold it in the sun as the final layer of mana hardens. It has a deep shade of red and it glows a beautiful crimson. The power within it is stronger then I ment, but means I will have more fun in the end.
I hand it to Shanks, "There you are Shanks. I suggest you practice with it intently before entering a real battle. You will have to awaken it yourself."
He takes it gleefully and the eyes of his crewmates are filled with envy. "This is marvelous and has such power! And so light." He gives it a few swings before glancing it with pure excitement.
"What shall you name it?" I ask him curiously.
Shanks laughs hard and slaps his knee, "How about Bloodstain, after our first meeting."
I roll my eyes but laugh inside, it is a good name for that blade. "Strong name surprisingly. Now then, reveal your missing arm please." I point towards him.
Shanks seems hesitant but still complies and exposes the old injury. I place my hand just above it, picturing an arm there once more. I pour my mana into his body, feeling it take shape. The muscles, bones and tendons reforming. The nerves connecting and strengthening. After a few seconds I smile, feeling the process complete.
"There we are. Now Shanks, once you have mastered Bloodstain we will fight again." I smile excitedly, "It will be alot of fun!"
"Now that business is concluded, let's drink!" Shanks grabs a big bottle and hands it to me, "Try this. It is a specialty booze."
"I really should return...." I glance away trying not to be tempted.
"Nonsense, drink with us first! For today is a glorious day to be alive!" His crew cheers loudly, clanking of glasses echo up.
I watch as Shanks takes a massive swig with his newly formed arm. A smile growing on his lips. It does smell so sweet and alluring, shrugging I take the bottle he is handing me.
"What's the worst that could happen." I take a massive sip, feeling the booze instantly warming my belly. "It is so good Shanks! Thank you!"
"A friend of Luffy's is a friend of mine! I am happy to share!" Shanks twirls my feather in his free hand, his eyes watching the light as it reflects off it.
I choke on air at hearing his words, my demeanor instantly flipping. Sensing it, Shanks stops laughing and eyes me confused.
"I have no friends Shanks." I stand turning, "If you tire of playing with my feather give it back."
"Why are you worried about this little feather?" He raises his eye brow glancing at me.
"Would you not care if someone unknown had a part of your body?" I question curiously.
"So it is still connected to you." He chuckles lightly, "What else?"
I flick my finger, creating a ripple to get back to Straw Hat ship. "I have nothing else to say Shanks, just don't lose it for you will not get another."
"See you again soon little miss." Shanks smiles waving to me as he tosses another bottle over.
I catch it stepping out in to the Crow's Nest familiar room. I bend down and pull the feather from the crack in the floor. Rozen's blue flames swallowing it. I sit down and fiddle with the bottle Shanks gave me.
"Go on, I know you want to ask." I wave absently to the lingering eyes behind me.
"What happend??" The two lurkers spoke together.
"We chatted, I made him a blade then regrew his arm. Nothing too much. He did give me some good booze though." I hold up the bottle excitedly.
"What do you mean you forged him a sword?" Zoro asks intrigued.
"Shanks said he would only agree to the return of his missing limb if I provided him a blade to use with it." I shrugged, "It is normal to exchange things to obtain what one wants. I am the one who wanted his other arm back."
Luffy bursts out laughing startling Zoro and myself. He clenched his side rolling about on the floor, over come with laughter.
"Captain?" I question unsure of what make of this response.
"That sounds like something Shanks would do and say." Luffy wipes laugh tears away from his eyes.
My mind wonders back to Shanks twirling my feather, he was deep in thought but gave nothing away. Most of the information he shared with me are just different moments with unquie emotions. The only information he actually gave up was the different types of swords found here and their rating scale.
Is he trying to get a sense of my strength with my feather? Could that even be possible for him? I furrow my brow, falling deeper in thought. It may prove too dangerous to ignore this, I may have to try and get it back before he can figure anything out.
"Yo Sumari, snap out of it." Zoro is snapping his fingers in front of my face, "What has you distracted?"
"It's noth-"
"Shanks isn't in danger from that sword you made is he?" Luffy's concern cuts sharp.
"Oh? Shanks? No, no. He isn't in danger at all. He helped in forging so the blade's loyalty is set to him." I wave Luffy's worry away, "However Shanks will have to earn the respect of Bloodstain on his own."
"That's it's name?" Zoro asks holding a snicker back.
"Yeah. Shanks named it as is his right as the master. I named mine as well Zoro. Rozen in honor of my elder brother and Blue Fang's is in reference to his origin." I immediately slap a hand over my mouth, realizing I gave too much information.
"You have a big brother?" Luffy questions suddenly, his mood fluctuating.
"The more I talk with you, the more I end up letting slip." I take a step backwards, out everything I could've blurted out.
"What happened?" Luffy looks at me, a heavy emotion playing in his eyes.
"Captain, he died that's it." I growl against a flow of memories, preventing them from surfacing.
I watch Zoro place a hand on Luffy's shoulder, "I lost my big brother Ace many years ago." Luffy looks to Zoro then his gaze goes distant. "My friends helped me to move forward. What helped you?" He looks back at me.
"I don't understand the question Captain."
"How did you deal with the pain?"
"Deal with it?" I glance at Rozen grateful he is remaining silent.
"What happened?" Luffy asks with extreme caution.
"I lived and he didn't. Enough, this conversation has gone too far." I turn hastily and fly up to leave the room.
"Leave her Captain." I hear Zoro state.
I listen to them as they make their way down to the deck. Soon after that I hear Sanji greeting them at the door, food being the topic.
"*Lady Sukojo, you ok?*"
"Yes Rozen. I just want to close my eyes and rest."
The further north we sail, the colder the air is becoming. I can't help the shudder that ripples through me. I sniff the air and catch the smell of rain. The sun is still bright and I wish to enjoy it longer.
With a flick of my finger I shift the currents beneath the ship, so they'll pull us around the storm entirely. Yet keep us on the right course Nami established.
After some hours pass, Zoro comes up and joins me in the Nest. Holding a tray of food out towards me.
"Time to eat Sumari."
"Aye Zoro." I take it willingly, Sanji's food has grown on me since that massive meal.
Zoro sits quietly as I make swift work of the plates. Devouring all the food hastily before it has a chance to get cold.
"Now that you're filled, care to answer a few of my questions?"
"Are they going to be tedious?"
"Probably yeah."
"Then why are you going to ask them?"
"We will soon be back into the fray of the Grand Line I need to know you have all our backs in a fight."
"I understand Vice Captain Roronoa Zoro. I vow to you that as along as I serve as a warrior under Captain Luffy, no Straw Hat pirate will die easily. By my word on my blades this I vow." I state firmly.
"Good enough for me." Zoro smiles waving the sudden seriousness away, "I can't wait to see your skills in battle."
"You already have." I responded reflexively, once again I slap my hands over my mouth too late.
"Your form is rather marvelous but I much rather see it for myself." He smiles, resting his palm on his sword.
"Do I truly not make you feel uncomfortable?"
"What you have done is in the past. What I know is that you haven't done anything to warrant hostility since being here."
"Is that how you see it?"
"Look at it this way, you are exceptionally skilled and kill out of reflex yet Sabo injured you and you did nothing. You been on this ship for a few months and still have done nothing aggressive. Ugghhhh what I am getting at is that you aren't the same as you were." Zoro stands up and storms off with frustration.
"*Zoro Boy is embarrassed.*" Fang starts laughing, "*Are you sure he has skills?*" He continues to snicker on.
"Zoro.... Thanks.." I call out to him lightly, he waves his hand before heading back into the Crow's Nest.

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