Chapter 4: Why him?

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"(F/N)! Were you that absent during my class? Your class test was again one of the worst ones."

The teacher slammed a sheet of paper, with a big red "F" written on it, on your table and glared at you while you looked away.

"Look into my eyes when I talk to you! It can't go on like that! I will organize private tutoring for you."

"What? Wait! No, please! Don't do that!"

"It's your own fault. Meet me after school today in your classroom. Then I will introduce you to your coach."

You just mumbled a grumpy "okay", because you knew that it would be pointless to resist.

"Fuck this shit."

"Did you say something (f/n)?"

"No, nothing."

You sighed and went out of the classroom, where Eren, Mikasa and Armin were already waiting for you.

"How was it?" Eren asked with a worried gaze.

"God I hate math! And I hate this stupid dumbass who's teaching us!" You couldn't stop letting out your rage. "He ordered me now to take private lessons!"

"Oh really? I'm so sorry for you... Should I help you a little bit out?" Armin looked at you with a pitying countenance.

"Thank you, but the teacher already knows, who will be my coach. God, I don't want to spend more of my free time in the school!"

You went outside to meet your friend Hanji who sadly wasn't in your class. You wanted to return her the scarf you borrowed from her. Suddenly a person standing behind the parking in front of your school caught your attention. You looked in the direction and saw a group of some older students smoking, but thanks to the ugly school uniform you all had to wear you noticed that they were also students from you school.

You were nauseated, because you hated smoking until you recognized one of the persons.

You couldn't believe your eyes. There was Levi standing in this group and breathing out the smoke of his cigarette.

"Oh my god he's at my school? Oh lord I can't believe this!" You were totally shocked, because even if you hated smoking, seeing him doing this was still attractive to you. Suddenly he turned his head around right in your direction and you just turned away so he wouldn't notice that you were gaping at him. You ran embarrassed away as fast as you could and hid yourself behind the next tree.

"Oh my god OH MY GOD! Did he see me?"

You breathed heavily and then looked back to see if he noticed you (... notice me senpai? xD), but he had already turned his head back to his friends.

You sighed as a voice called your name.

"Hey (f/n) what are you doing here?" You looked at your right to see Eren, who was leaning out of the window.

"Oh ehm n-nothing important... I eh... I just searched for Hanji, but then I remembered that she is maybe meeting her boyfriend Erwin so I just wanted to go back into the classroom to get my lunch."

"Oh you must be really hungry if you were running that fast."

You both laughed and while laughing you turned your head slightly to glance one more time at Levi. He was still standing there, but suddenly he looked right in your direction, just as if he was looking for someone.

"Oh shit did he actually see me before?"

While your cheeks were turning red again Eren asked you with a little suspicious tone in his voice: "Oh (f/n) are you alright? Your face is a little bit red."

"What? Oh ehm yes I'm fine."

"Do you wanna eat lunch with us? I was just about to go to the cafeteria to meet Mikasa and Armin there. You can come too if you want."

"Oh thank you! But I'm sorry, I actually wanted to eat with Hanji. I think I will just look for her in the classroom again, maybe she's there."

"Well, if you can't find her then you can eat with us, we'll be at the cafeteria."

"Okay thanks! See ya!"

You waved your hand while you headed towards the entrance, not noticing the steel-gray eyes whose gaze was resting on you as if they were piercing your soul.

When you got to the classroom you saw Hanji standing there, right in front of the door waiting for you.

"(F/N)~! Where have you been? I was waiting for you at least for 5 minutes now!"

"What? But I was searching you too! You weren't in your classroom when I passed by."

"Yeah, of course not, I was visiting Erwin."

"Wha- did you just forget that we wanted to eat lunch together?"

She looked embarrassed down for a second before she came close to you, until she was standing right in front of you looking in your eyes while a dirty smirk appeared in her face. GOD! She was so creepy sometimes.

"You know, (f/n)" she whispered, "I did this for you! I quizzed Erwin about that little Shorty from my party and you won't believe this! He's attending this school right here!"

You could feel how your blood started already to flow into your cheeks while Hanji grabbed your shoulders and came even closer to you.

"He's just one class above us, but he's got actually a quite bad repute. There are rumors about him that he's a really big asshole and that he changes his girlfriend weekly. I'm not sure if you should believe this, but be careful! I don't want you to get hurt."

"Well, ehm eh thank you, but I think I won't deal with him that much. It will be the best, if I just do as nothing happened, so I won't get any problems."

"Oh really? Okay then. Just thought that this might be interesting to you. Anyway let's go eat lunch! I'm starving."

~~~~~~~~ Time skip brought you by the lord of eyebrows ~~~~~~~~

After school you said good bye to your friends and stayed in your classroom while everybody was going home. You sighed, because you really weren't in the mood for talking again with your math teacher. You hated him and he hated you and you already had the foreshadowing that the private lessons he organized for you would be horrible.

Suddenly the door opened and the teacher entered followed by a student. But wait... It wasn't just a student, it was HIM! Levi! You couldn't stop gazing at him, because you would've never suspected that HE would be your coach. Well, he smoked and had some bad rumors going around about him, so you thought that he would also give a shit about school. Looks like you were totally wrong.

"Okay (f/n), this here is Levi, one of my best students. He will be from now on your private tutor in the hope that maybe he can help you. He's really a smart mind, so please be nice to him and appreciate it that he takes his free time to help you. So I'll leave you guys alone. Arrange a time and date when you will have the tutoring."

Then he left and you just stared embarrassed at Levi, who looked back at you with a monotonous gaze as if he didn't care about anything in life.

"God why him? I will never be able to concentrate if he's my coach. And this gaze is freaking me out" you thought by yourself.

"So (f/n) when should we meet? Do you have time tomorrow after school?"

"Y-Yes." You stuttered, still unable to believe this whole situation.

"Good, then let's meet right here in the classroom."


You looked embarrassed at the floor, knowing that your cheeks were burning like fire. Then he turned around and left also the room while saying "Ciao" of which you thought it wasn't able to say it sexier.

You sighed and finally made it to turn around, grab your bag and headed then towards the exit.

You remembered you had to do some shopping for your parents so you went first to the super market. After you've bought everything you left the store and started to walk home while the sun was already going down.

A fateful meeting [ Levi x Reader Fanfiction] //modern AU w/Lemon\\Where stories live. Discover now