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I didn't know hold long it had been until the fighting stopped, I remember getting in the shower to scrub the blood off my hands, watching it flow down the drain, I got out with a towel wrapped around me when I heard the doorbell "Hold on!" I yelled but it kept ringing to I double-checked my towel and ran downstairs opening the door to see Carl I panicked and shut the door before he opened it "that's not how you let people in" he frowned and I blushed red "I'm naked!" I yelled and he didn't even get red.

"you have a towel covering you, I came to see if you were ok anyway" he followed me up to my room as I got clothes to change "why would I not be ok?" I asked, hearing Carl flop on my bed "because Enid left" he spoke as if it was a calm subject, I came out of the bathroom, struggling to button my jeans "left? What do you mean left?" I grabbed a shirt from one of my drawers, rushing to get it on "she left, I went inside to find her and she was gone" he sat up and I grabbed a flannel from my closet "I think I know where she went, I know all the paths in the forest she takes" I mumbled, mainly to myself while sliding on my shoes "I've been looking for that flannel" Carl pulled at the flannel that I had thrown on and I blushed "you gave it to me so I kept it, its not that big of a deal" I mumbled and he smiled "I just think its cute on you, it looks better on you than it did on me" he smirked and I froze "whatever" I rolled my eyes and left my room.

I got out and found Maggie just in time to hear about what happened to Glenn, he didn't make it, I hugged Maggie and held back tears, except I had no tears to hold back, something didn't feel right, he didn't feel gone.

The growling of walkers overtook my thoughts, and Rick yelled for us to open the gate.

Rick yelling for us to open the gate?

I turned around and ran for the gate I opened the screen and shot two walkers in the head, he nudged one walker out of his way and he fell to the ground, without thinking I ran out and helped him up and ran with him, a walker grabbed my arm and scratched me, I ripped my arm away and the two of us just made it through the gate, I turned around and looked at the walkers before the screen shut.

As the walkers piled on the walls people started putting up wooden supports, while I took care of Rick and myself "is everyone ok? That you know of?" I asked and he flashed me a smile "Abraham is fine, you can walkie him and Sasha later, Daryl is fine, I don't know about Glenn I'm sorry" I finished bandaging his hand and I sat beside him "how do I know if a guy is flirting with me?" I asked as he pulled my sheeve up to better access my forearm "well, first, is his name Carl? If so then yes he is" Rick laughed and I smiled a little "I- I broke up with Enid and I think Carl was flirting with me, he said I looked cute in his flannel" I spoke less to rick and more to the open air, he finished cleaning the scratched and he smiled "you'll know when you know" he patted my back and I stood up "that helps me none" I walked ahead and he caught up with me.

"I knew I liked Lori when I had the thought that I would have died for her, I would give her all my blood if it meant saving her, when you do the same is when you'll really know how you feel, and others may realize it before you, but you don't have to listen until you know" he patted my shoulder and we both walked up to the group of people by the walls, I blocked out what he was saying, it was just prepping these people for the inevitable, I was more focused on if I actually like Carl or not.

Eventually we all split, and Maggie grabbed my arm and led me away "Home" she whispered and I nodded going home, I sat in my room, reading, Tara knocked on my door and I ignored her, I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, except for maybe Carl.

I didn't know hold long it had been but I felt a baby on my stomach and I slowly woke up "Ruth?" Judith questioned and I smiled "hi baby girl, how you doing" I smiled sitting up, by the time night came around, Carl and I had spent all day together, well, what was left of the day together, I showered and Maggie must have took night watch because I didn't hear her come home so I found my way walking around, I got to the front gate and I saw Maggie "Ruth, honey your hair is wet you shouldn't be out this late" she whispered alarmed and I started to tear up "I don't want to be home alone, I'm scared, scared of so much, I thought I couldn't be scared but I was so, so wrong" I cried softly and she hugged me, looking back at Aaron "I got the rest of the shift, go home, love you Ruth" Aaron whispered hugging me and kissing my head softly "love you too Uncle Aaron" I whispered hugging him.

The next day

I had gone with Rick and Carl to teach Ron basic gun safety or training, whatever they wanted to call it, but every second I spent looking at Ron made me hate him more, it wasn't long until we were done, and Rick split from Carl and I, we took a walk, taking it slow, we didn't talk much, if any.

"Glenn is ok" Carl whispered, and I looked at him "people die Carl, shit happens, I'm just glad that I wasn't the one who had to do it for once! First my older sister, then my younger sister, then my dad, my mom, then myself, and that- that was the only time I failed" I argued and he shook his frowned "just have some hope, not everyone you love dies" he whispered and I looked away from him, as we were walking carl pointed up and I looked to see green balloons floating in the sky "Carl come on!" I smiled taking his hand and running, then wood creaked and the old building the truck hit fell, and we took off running, the world seemed to go quiet as it fell, Carl and I took off running.

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