Part 2: Please don't hurt me...

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I ran away as fast as I could. I started to feel sick, and weird; again. I've felt this way for 3 weeks now. I started to feel dizzy and sick. I couldn't run anymore, I felt like shit and I felt weak.

I hid behind a huge tree making sure they were unable to see me... and find me... I tried to calm myself down; regret was haunting my mind.

Suddenly, I started vomiting. I sat in the corner and cried my eyes out I kept questioning God the same question over and over again; why was I born?

No words could explain the loneliness my heart felt; it was beating so fast; it was beating unwanted blood to keep me alive, to make me suffer.

I looked at my watch it was 7:45pm. Shit. I had 30 minutes to get to school, I quickly got up and ran to the bus stop, which was 2 minutes away from where I was. I was really scared, scared to see them; Zayn, Nial, Liam, Louis and Harry...

I walked towards my locker to grab my books for Maths. People were laughing at me, I assumed it was because of my ripped clothes. The voices in my head were making me feel misery and anxiousness.

I took my bags and felt someone grab my arms, it was Liam. He started punching me and calling me names, he attracted attention; everyone was laughing at me.

"DIE" is all I heard before I... I ran away...

I ran into the toilet, I locked the doors, and took my ripped diary out and started writing:

"Dear Diary,

I am the girl with the broken heart.

But you will never see me cry;

because I hide the pain in my heart.

Deep inside I am loosing myself.

I don't know who I am or what I am doing.

My life is filled with misery and pain.

I am broken hearted.

I want to play fruit ninja on my arms.

But I left the razor.

They cut my heart like I was a piece of waste.

This is the story of my life.

I get hurt, I get used, I get played.

But I deserve it.

I am disgusting.

All my scars are open and

they are speaking of pain

to feel a relief and my numb

hands are writing the pain for


I was crying. I was dying, but no one cared and nor did I, but deep inside the pain hurt me; I was living in hell. I hunched in the corner and cried which felt like hours, but in reality it was 30 minutes.

I picked myself up, and looked in the mirror. I had 5 new scars. I took my foundation out, which was two shades darker then my pale skin. I hid the scars, and changed my shirt; I took the shirt from lost property, because I was desperate; I had a million scars, bruises on my body.

I looked around to make sure I took everything because...

~ FLASHBACK: I cut myself, and walked out the toile. Shanine, went inside and found the razor I cut with. She walked out screwing me and told everyone I cut, everyone stared calling me an attention seeking bitch. They hit me, they hurt me, they told me to cut deeper, they made fun out of me, and my family? When they found out the beat the shit out of me, I could not move for 3 days. "Please don't hurt me" I said, but my dad hit me harder and my brother made Zayn come to my house, to abuse me, to make my life a living hell for 3 days. END OF FLASHBACK ~

I saw my diary, adrenalines were rushing in my body, I picked up my dairy and quickly put it, inside of my bag. Suddenly, I started to vomit again. I was confused. Was I pregnant? I started freaking out and having a panic attack until the voice in my head reminded me every time they raped me, they used a condom.

I dug my nails inside of my wrist because I felt dumb. I was dumb, isn't that what you called me? I opened the door, but within seconds I regretted walking out the toilet.

Shanine threw curry sauce at me. Now I was smelling. Could this day get any worse? It was my birthday, or should I say the worst day ever?

I walked inside of my Maths lesson. It was 9:30 am.

"Why are you late", Sir asked.

"I was..." I was interrupted by Shanine.

"Oh I found her cutting herself as usual" everyone stared laughing.

"Please don't cut yourself in the school property", Sir said he let me in.

I went at the back, I sat alone. I drifted way into my own little world. I was happy; it was my birthday. I was happy because this meant one less year to live.

Someone threw a rock at me. I started crying silently, I wanted to scream till the words cried out. But I was afraid.

The entire day I was tortured.

Finally, school finished. I walked to the riverside to stare at the water.

As I sat next to the water, I started day dreaming.


I saw this bitch walk, she was smiling. Why was she smiling? I hated her smile. She hurt me so much, she does not deserve any happiness. She killed our child, our love.

She could not walk properly, this made me smile.

She went into a river and sat next to the water. She looked beautiful... but I hated her and did not care about her beauty, because she was a bitch from the inside.

Suddenly she got up and got angry. It was like; she changed into a complete different person. She walked towards a tree, and punched her head against the tree. What. The. Fuck. I was shocked. I was speechless.

She took something out of her bag and started cutting, cutting none stops.

My heart sank, she was ripping her hair out, screaming for help. SHE DESERVED THIS THOUGH. She killed my baby. But what she did next scared the shit out of me... She took a rope, and tried to hang herself. She said "goodbye Zayn, Liam, Louis, Nial, Harry and the world" I felt scared.

I ran towards her and pulled her up so I could take the rope off her neck. She was kicking me, she was trying to hurt me. But at the moment I did not care. I hid my anger, she fell on the ground; on me and started slapping me and asking me "WHY? WHY ZAYN ISNT THIS WHAT YOU WANT" I slapped her because she was getting on my nerves, she annoying me. I took her clothes off and raped her because she deserved this.

~ Hi guys leave some feedback, please? <3 Sorry for late update.

Will Jasmine attempt suicide again?

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