Part 5: please don't

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Recap: "Lets go mate" we walked towards her, and ripped her shirt, exposing her boob line. Harry was eye raping her, which meant he was going to have sex with her today.

*Jasmines POV*

I give up. I want everything to end, I went this all to stop. I ran towards the toilet hoping no one will see me but I was wrong. Shianne, tripped me over; I dropped... I was anxious, because my stomach started hurting, my brother Jack stood there with guilt in his eyes, he walked towards me, I thought he was going to help me, but I was wrong he kicked my stomach. I screamed in pain and held my stomach, my baby... please don't hurt my I said, Zayn kicked me and walked away.

Shanine: wtf why is she holding her belly?

Jack: dunno

Shanine: is she pregnant she has gained weighttt

is all I heard before they left me alone in the dirty corner. I walked inside of the toilet. I had to end this all, I couldn't hear my baby moving... I had enough, I took all my pills out, which the doctors gave me. I overdosed... everything turned black...


Jasmine hasn't come out the toilet, it's been more than 1 hour. "will you go to the toilet and bring the whore out" I asked Lilly. She was really small, but cute. "sure" she smiled and walked towards the door, I stood right outside the door... all of a sudden Lilly screamed I ran inside, not caring it was a girls toilet, for some strange reason my hear started beating fast as I ran inside.

I saw Jasmines pale body laying on the floor like a helpless baby. Jasmine, I screamed. All the guys came in, they were all shocked. Her pulse wasn't working... Harry called the ambulance... she was gone... we killed her.

I felt guilty so guilty and started crying my eyes out...

*2 hours later*

We found out she was pregnant, the baby died first and then she died... I found something in her purse, a journal. I was going to read it, to know why she took a huge step...

Dear diary, my mind is filled with so many questions...

Why were you hurting my feelings? You made me feel exhausted and exasperated... you played with my mind, feelings and emotions... you made my life a living hell... every time I saw you and your friends I'd pretend I was strong; strong enough to fight you... fight your painful words, rumours... you called me names... you made me feel dirty... you made me feel like a piece of dirt... but why? What did I do? I trusted you, I thought you were my friend... I loved you... as a friend... you twisted my words... you exposed me with nonsense... you told people I was a cheater... I was playing the guy I once loved... why did you do this to me? The voices in my head were shouting at me... they were telling me I should kill myself... I felt weak... that night I felt so alone and lonely... I tried to destroy my existence... but God saved my life... the voices were laughing at me... tears were pouring down my face heavily... my heart cried tears of blood and pain... my heart exploded like a firework... it spread the poisonous words in my body... the darkness, the pain, your words took over my body... my eyes were crying tears of pain... each tear that dropped from my hopeless eyes made me feel ashamed, disgusting and disgraceful... I felt like a piece of waste...that night the pain I felt was uncontrollable, the hate people were sending me on was killing me... I felt so alone... my heart shattered into a million little pieces; slut, whore, kill yourself, no one likes you, your such a waste of oxygen... these words were stabbing my heart... they were hurting me so bad... I felt so lonely... I lost my self respect... I felt like an idiot... each breath my nose breathed in, trapped memories of pain and exhaustion ... I started hating myself that night... I hated myself more than you hated me... you won... I lost this battle... as usual... you called me a looser, right? I have become a monster... your words, torture has ruined my happiness... you have murdered the real me... today I am nothing but a lonely freak... I don't even know who I am anymore... every time I see you or your friend... the voices come back... why did you do this to me? What did I do? Before this painful tragedy I was bullied, harassed... by your friends wasn't that enough to make my life a living hell? When we started talking I thought I finally found a friend... but I was wrong... the bullying... the pain... the torture grew... everywhere I went people hurt me... they hurt my feelings... they thought called me names... all because of you... because of the rumours you and your cold-blooded friends spread... this pain took away my happiness... this torture has given me a phobia... I have never forgotten sitting hunched in the dark, crying for help knowing no one would help me get out of the darkness... I don't know how it feels to be happy... I let go of all of my friends because of the torture, hate, betrayal, unfaithfulness and the 'stab in the back' etc. Why did you do this to me? I never did anything to hurt you... so what made you hate me so much that you decided to ruin my life?

I asked myself the same questions, and the answer was because she killed our love, and had sex with Amir, she cheated on me, I still loved her, and I always will... I just didn't want to look like a bitch boy...

My Jasmine was gone. I cried myself to sleep.


Writers block - I cannot write I am so sorry. Poor work, but omg this writers block wont go away. 

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