Chapter 7: Goodbye... I love you

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You followed the MP into the castle and walked into a room with your squad, many MPs, and a strange man standing in the front of it all. You walked in front of everyone  and stood next next to a blonde girl where the officer gestured you to go. Than, he left the room. You were puzzled as to why they called you here. The men in front started to speak up.

"My name is Kenny Ackerman. Not a fan of the name but, I've also been called Kenny the ripper." your glare turned into an alert face. "That's because I've slit so many MP throats like yours, that I got bored of it. But, a lot's happened since, and as of today it looks like I'm gonna be the captain of this new anti -personnel squad. Nice to meet ya." 

"What the hell?" you speak up. "I wasn't told that I was coming here to be in a squad for months on end that's led by a mass murderer." 

"Hmm?" he responded. "Yeah. I realize it doesn't make sense. If I were you, I'd be pissed too. Bein' lead by a crazed killer who's not even from the military." He said to you.

"It doesn't matter" The blonde says. 'That blonde bitch!' You think

"The wall fell two years ago. We've given up on fighting the titans." She added. Your anger was building up inside of you. 'These ungrateful shits.' "Instead, we'll fight eachother over what little land we have left. That was the reason this squad was created right? That's what all of us are here for. We followed the rules, climbed up the ranks and now here we are. What do I care? It's fine by me." Kenny starts laughing and approaches her.

'I'm not coming to this bitches rescue. Ever. She's officially on my shit list.' You thought. Kenny started speaking.

"No need to worry. I didn't really ask for this squad because I wanted to fight the scouts! No, that was just a little pre-text I thought of. Something to make those jackasses on the council nod their heads." You relaxed a bit at the sound of those words. He continued, "So, why are we here? I'll tell you why. It's all for a grand dream. A separate grand dream that every one of us has." His words were quite inspiring. He then explained about the new ODM gear that were made especially to fight the scouts and the true royal family that we were to protect. 

Hours later, you were called over by Kenny. You walked over, still in your nice clothes and so did your squad. "So," he started. "You're the Y/N squad. And that means," He looked at you. "You're Y/N, huh?" 

"Yes. And what about it asshole?" You scowled at him.

"Wow, no need to get feisty now. I just weren't expecting you to be so little... reminds me of someone." You lift your head up and cock it. "By that reaction I assume that you know Levi and, pretty well at that."

"Why do you care?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at him.

"He's an old friend... Anyways, I called you over here to tell y'all that we have clothes for you in the mean-time but you will be getting your stuff back at the scouts barracks in two days time. You are not to speak with any one of the scouts about any of this. If you do, you'll be hanged and anyone who overhear will be as well." He says. "Now run along..., Except for you, Y/N."

You had your back turned to him and rotated your head slightly so you saw him in the corner of you eyes. "What." You snapped.

"Again with the attitude. And that glare is pissing me off as well."

"Deal. With. it. Now get what you wanted to say over with."

"Fine." He said. "I've heard your famous around here for your skills. From tomorrow night and froward, you will take additional training lessons with me."

"And why would I need to do that... Kenny."

"Because, you're going to become our fighting machine to defeat the scouts."

Your eyes widened and you turned to face him completely. "I though you said you didn't form this group to fight the scouts!"

Kenny sighed. "Well, we would have to either way. And, you'll have to fight your precious Levi at one point anyways. Look.... I can't force anyone to do anything. But, I can train you to be your best. Let's just say, when the time comes, I'll convince the MPs that you're dead if you betray us." He stuck out his hand. "Deal?"

You stood there shocked at what he'd just said. You looked at the ground and took his hand. "Deal." 

Two Days Later:

You were in your room in the barracks, and finished packing everything in your suitcase. You walked out and looked at your two friends standing there in the hallway. Hange jumps on you with her arms open wide to hug you. 

"We'll miss you so much Y/N. Oh! and don't stop inventing. AND send us bunches of letters... okay?" 

You smiled. Tears welling up in your eyes as you hugged back. "I will" You replied, pushed away and turned to Erwin. "Well, I guess this is goodbye commander."

"Yes." He says. "It appears it is." You finally crash into him to hug him goodbye and tears stream down your face. Hange also couldn't help to join you both in a group hug. You've all been together since the cadets so this was very painful to do.

"I just wish-" you started. "I got to see him one last time." Levi was on a expedition right now so he couldn't say goodbye. 

You pushed off of your friends and waved as you walked out of the barracks. That's when you turned around and saw the man that you love, right in front of you. Your feet couldn't have moved faster as you ran towards him and you embraced eachother before you had to say goodbye. 

"Levi..." you started. "I'm so sorry that I had to leave."

"Y/N, it's okay."

"No!" You said. "It's not. Because.... well, because I love you!"..... 

You finally had said it. You both stood their and you felt his right hand move up your figure and onto your chin as he pulled your face into a kiss. You closed your eyes and kissed back. You two stayed like that for a minute before he finally pulled away and said, 

"I love you too. I'll never stop loving you." More tears started streaming down your face. You were now sobbing but, you remembered something. 

He pulled you in for a kiss one last time until your name was called to get onto the carriage. Hange and Erwin where watching from the windows, and waving goodbye. Levi looked at your e/c eyes as you rode away into the interior. You weren't just not going to say anything.


Levi's POV: 

I pulled her in for a kiss... I love her so much. The kiss was broken and I said, "I love you, I'll never stop loving you." As tears were streaming down her cheeks, I pulled her in again then I felt,

*tap, tap-de-tap...*

Rhythmic taps... as she was riding away I looked into her eyes and tried to spell out what I felt.

'K-e-n-n-y.... M-P.... S-O-S' My eyes widened. I was not happy to remember that name.


Y/N's POV:

I kept looking into his eyes as he pieced it all together. He almost gave it away....

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