Chapter 1: So, You're the new guy?

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(That's your outfit similar to Hanges in the beginning of season three but, the top is more low cut)

                          The year was 843. You were 21 and have been in the survey corps for two years now along with your fellow friends Erwin Smith and Hange Zoe. You three were inseparable. Erwin was ahead of you and Hange rank wise but would stick by you non the less. He was the commanders right hand man.

You and Hange were chilling in the mess hall of the barracks when Erwin busted into the room, excited to tell you all about the mission he went on today.

"Y/N, Hange, there's something I need to tell you both right now!" 

"Whatever it is, can it please wait? Hange and I are trying to come up with new titan restraints." You said rubbing your temples. 

Hange nodded along with your statement. "Yeah... we need make a new contraption considerably fast because of the last incident...." 

Hange and you looked at each other with awkward faces and looked back at the blueprint. The last titan restraints you two had made weren't as effective as you'd hope and lets just say, Hange is the lead of the scientific titan research team now...

"If you guys truly need time I will give you it, but this is really important." Erwin looked over - joyed so you really couldn't say no.

"Alright, lead us to this groundbreaking discovery of yours Erwin." You got up and left the room, Hange sprinting towards your side. You were a little confused about Erwin's excitement. He's rarely ever pushy like this. In fact he's only ever been like this once, when he was telling you about outside of the walls. 

"Alright, they should be right in this room"

"Erwin... you're surprising us with people?" You said as you turned towards his tall, muscular figure. He was much taller than you were, you being only 5 feet, he towered over you at a mere 6 foot 2. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and crossed your arms over your chest, pressing your breasts together. Hange put a hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sure he has a method to his madness" they said while looking at Erwin questioningly. 

"Oh trust me I do." Erwin knocks on the door. "I've brought some guests that I think you all would be very fond to meet." 

"Screw off prissy boy, we're not interested in your small talk." You hear a girls voice from inside say as you and Hange started laughing at the woman's comment. 

"Pfffft! PRISSY BOY ERWIN!" You yelled as Hange began to loose their shit even more at your remark but then you two went silent as you heard the girl laughing inside the room with you. You then hear some footsteps approach the door and the creaking of the door as it opened. There was a girl with pink hair and pig tails standing in front of you with her hand outstretched. 

"I take it you're the person who made that comment." She said. "My name is Isabelle. Isabelle Magnolia." You responded as you outstretched and took her hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet ya Isabelle. My name is Y/N. Y/N Zachary." You watched as she hesitated and took away her hand. You rolled your eyes. You knew what this was about. Your father.

"The infamous Y/N Zachary. Didn't expect you to look like that" You heard a voice say behind Isabelle. You see a man that you could almost see eye to eye stand up and walk to the door. his dark ebony hair was captivating along with his defined muscles, sharp jaw line and blueish-gray eyes. His every move captivated you so much so that you didn't realize you were staring. "I can see you're interested so let me introduce myself. The name's Levi." His statement snapped you back to reality.

"Well Levi, I'll ignore you being an asshole for now and say that it's nice to meet you too." You say to the beautiful man. "And know that I didnt expect that you'd look like that when I first heard your voice newbie." A clear remark to his height.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He takes a step closer to you as you smirk.

"Now now Levi, remember what you told me earlier" a man that's standing behind Levi speaks up. "Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you. My name is Farlan Church." He steps towards us.

"Y/N, please calm down. It's nice to meet you Farlan, Isa and Levi." Hange says as they step in between you and Levi. 

All of a sudden you hear commander Shadis yell for you and Hange. You smiled and nodded towards the three newbies. You then turned to Erwin and waved goodbye as Hange and you walked off.

Later that day all of the scouts were summoned to the field and the three newbies introduced themselves to everyone. They were assigned to the squad that you were in. Captain Flagon's squad. They were shown around and after a while it was finally curfew. You saw Isa approaching you in the dorms.

"Hey there, Y/N was it?"

"Yeah. What's up Isa?"

"I just wanted to talk y'know? You seem like a pretty cool girl and tough like me. You're name is known all around these barracks because of your strength you know." She talked to you as her eyes sparkled.

"Oh trust me, I know. I've been the hot topic ever since I've joined the scouts and it's not just about my strength, but my father too. I just wish he wasn't so well known sometimes. I mean, even your crew knew my name before they met me." You said yawning a bit.

"Well, I think you're cool no matter who your parents are." You smiled in response. You could get to like this girl. You two stayed up a long while talking and joking around until you eventually fell asleep forgetting all about tomorrows training.

A/N: Hi! I hope this was an okay chapter. Like I've mentioned, I just started writing so any criticism would be welcome and appreciated on this text. I also wanted to mention that this follows the OVA "No Regrets" which is a side story to AOT where Levi joins the scouts. It's available on Crunchyroll but if you don't have it totally watch some clips. It's awesome. If you came this far thanks for reading!

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