Chapter 2

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This is different

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This is different.



And I have run out of synonyms for those words, moving on.

I never thought I would be here, watching over my own funeral. Well memorial, but here I am. Dressed in all black, not like I usually wear other colors. Watching over. Seeing everyone sad, crying. Very few were weeping. Only two. Luca and John.

"Damn this is sad." I whisper quietly to myself.

With a small smirk I stand up and make my way to the fire escape, which I had climbed moments before to get on top of the roof. As I reach the ground I see none other than Nick Fury.

"Nick." I say in recognition.

"Agent." He responds.

He doesn't say anything else for a few moments so I raise my eyebrow. He takes a moment to let out a sigh before continuing.

"Are you sure this is what's best?" He asks me with concern lacing the words.

"Is Nicholas J. Fury questioning whether or not faking a death was the right thing to do?" I smile through the sentence, referring to how many times he has faked his own death.

"I spent two years planning this. Ever since I left Wakanda. They needed to get off my trail, and damn are they relentless. Did you make them like that? I don't know if it's a good or bad quality for their profession just yet." I continue, making my point.

"Just make sure this is what you want." He remarks.

"Too late now, my memorial just ended." I say checking my watch.

With a sigh he continues, "Here is where you should meet Romanoff and I tomorrow. Don't be late, and don't give her false information." And with that, he leaves, glancing at me as he turns the corner.

"Do I get a new car for this meet up?" I yell after him, him clearly hearing and not responding on purpose.

"I'll take that as a no." I mutter under my breath, "Guess I got some stuff to do tonight."

After getting back to my safe house I check on the computers. Once it is dark outside I head out and get to work in my car. Not wanting Romanoff to have any information on me I remove the license plate, and scratch off the serial number. I do a few other things to make sure she won't be able to later recognize my vehicle, or try and find me or who I am.

Once I am done with my car I get ready to head out to the Hydra base. Once my gear is all in and ready to go I grab my weapons. Mostly knives and daggers, as I don't want to make too much noise as it isn't too far from civilization. But I do however bring one pistol. Just in case I want to make a scene, as I know I won't actually need it.

After I am fully ready to go I head out. Not without snatching another flash drive, just in case. And also for me to keep one. Fury wants some of the information from this base so being the awesome and kind person I am I offered to grab it for him, after being told I had to anyway. I'm so nice.

It doesn't talk long for me to arrive at a gas station maybe 4 miles out from the Hydra base. I head inside to get a snack, coming back out, I had a snickers bar in my hands. I payed of course, I'm not a criminal. Well....

I park the car about half a mile away from the gas station where no cameras or people would be. I of course still check for cameras before I left. Not to much time later I was creeping upon the Hydra base, already wanting to blow it to hell.

Sadly enough I'm not destroying the building. Yet. I still will, but I need to make sure there's no other important information, or people, being stored here, so today is simply a stealth mission.

I make my way to the east side of the building where the least guarded entrance is. Making sure there were no guards near the door on the inside from my phone, since I hacked in right before getting here. I make my way in. Easily finding the main computer room with all the toys, I make my way in.

I find it extremely suspicious that I've made it this far with zero problems. Not even once have I had to slow down because of an agent or guard. Deciding it was best I just continue before any problems due occur I quickly make my way towards the computers and start looking through them.

I look through the files and deem that it would be better for me to simply copy everything in the building. So I start copying everything from the computers onto the flash drive, thinking that I would just make a copy onto the second drive at the safe house if I run out of time, or into any problems.

When the download is at 68% I hear a noise in the hallway, quickly and quietly moving to the wall that would be hidden when the door was opened I pull out a knife from my thigh. A few moments later the door opens and two guards walk in.

Closing the door behind them I ask, "is there going to be a problem here boys?" Seeing as they were both male.

They both turn and raise their hands in surprise more than surrender. I raise my eyebrow asking them, or more so daring them to try something.

"Uh, wh- who are you?" The short one asks, only being able to see my eyes and eyebrows because of my mask covering my face, and my beanie on my head.

"No one." I respond, "Now am I gonna have to knock you out or are we good here?" I ask, acting like I won't do anything to them.

"Oh yeah we're good here." The taller, and more nervous, one answers quickly.

"Before you go, tell me your names." I demand.

"Micheal Wilson." The shorter one says, hesitantly.

"George Davis." The taller one answers.

"Tell no one of this." They both nod, "Out." And with that the two leave in a hurry.

I'll have to kill the later but they shouldn't tell anyone about our 'meeting' for now. I holster my weapon and make my way back to the flash drive which still has about 15% until it has completely downloaded all the files.

After about 28 minutes the download was complete. I took the flash drive and put it into my pants pocket. I then check the cameras on my phone for my best route. Finding it I make my way out of the computer room and find my way around the whole building planting cameras and listening devices. I then make my way out, completely unnoticed. Before I make my way to my vehicle I ensure that I am not being followed.

Once I arrive at my vehicle I drive the opposite way that I came, not wanting there to be any in-normalities in my driving route.

Once I make it back to my safe house I take a long shower getting all the Hydra off of me. Once out of the shower I quickly check in the computers then I check the news for any information on how the world is deciding to start an issue for themselves. And it seems they are still doing a splendid job at that.

I head to bed at around 1:40 a.m. and considering the night I had, I did a pretty good job at forcing myself to fall asleep.

Hey my peeps!

Another reminder to please read the first book before this as there will be some of it being brought in to this book.

Please comment on spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I will try to fix them.

See ya, later my peeps!

Word  count-1301
Word count does not include A/N at the end of the story.

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