Chapter 2

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When Rebekah and Rosalie left the house, Finn decided to tell his siblings what he and his mother had planned. He knew that they would be furious, but he did have his reasons for it and he just hoped that they would understand. And if they don't Finn would make them understand.

"So, what exactly did you want to talk about, brother?" Klaus sighed, putting his sketch pad down.

"After I was undaggered, mother came to me and told me about her real intentions with us" Finn started.

"What exactly are her intentions then?" Elijah questioned.

"She never forgave you, Niklaus. And she doesn't want us to be a family. Mother----Esther wants to undo her wrong doings. In other words, she wants to kill us all" The eldest Mikaelson explained, earning him a mixture of different reactions. Klaus, like always, was furious. Kol didn't seem all that surprised, and Elijah looked defeated.

"And let me guess, you were going to be the sacrificial lamb" The hybrid spat, making Finn sigh.

"You have no right to be angry at me, Niklaus. You took me away from my family, from my daughter like the heartless monster you are and of course the rest of you allowed him to. So yes, I was going to be as you call it the 'sacrificial lamb'." Finn spat, his eyes darkening in anger.

"Look brother--" Klaus started to say, but was quickly cut off.

"No, Niklaus! My life became better when I met Sage and Rosalie, and you took me away from them. I was finally happy, and I've missed nine hundred years. I expected this from you Niklaus, but I expected better from you Elijah, the supposed noble brother. The only family you cared about was Rebekah and Klaus, but Kol and I meant absolutely nothing to you. Always and Forever didn't ever include us!" Elijah flinched, guilt settling heavily in his heart. Kol looked down at his hands with a frown, a pinching feeling in his heart and for once Klaus felt bad.

"Now, we can either work together to stop Esther or we can allow her to kill us all. What's it going to be, brothers?"


Rebekah and Rosalie had gone to a couple of dress stores, but there weren't any that were good enough for either of them.

"Ugh! This is so frustrating! Why aren't there any good dresses" Rebekah whined, collapsing onto the couch beside Rosalie who was drinking a glass of champagne.

"I agree. Wait, let me search up something" Rosalie said, getting her phone out and started typing away. A smile appeared on her face, making her turn to the blonde Mikaelson.

"What's got you so happy?" Rebekah questioned curiously. Rosalie stood from the couch, her hand held out for the original to take.

"Let's go. I know the perfect place to get a dress" She said excitedly.

After driving for two hours, Rebekah let out a gasp when she saw where they had arrived. The blonde turned to Rosalie, her eyes and mouth wide.

"How did you forget that you had a store here?" The girl exclaimed, making Rosalie chuckle sheepishly.

"I'm the type of person who buries themselves in work. I can barely remember what i did last week" This made the two blondes laugh in amusement, as they made their way inside the large store.

The two were instantly met with one of the workers, who welcomed them with a beaming smile.

"Good afternoon, Miss Michaels. Is there anything I can help you with today?" The woman asked kindly.

"Can we see the new unseen collection please?" Rosalie asked kindly, and was instantly brought to the change rooms. Rebekah looked like a child in a candy store, her eyes looking at every inch of the store.

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