Secret Boyfriend *George* Part One

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George Weasley X Gryffindor Reader *Fluff*

"I love you" George mumbles into my hair as we hold each other in the abandoned corner of the library. I pull back with a shocked smile "You love me?" I ask a mischievous glint in my eyes and he chuckles lightly under his breath. "Yes, (Y/n) I love you," he reassures, and I blush trying to play it cool. When I look into his brown eyes though I melt... "I love you too, George," I tell him and kiss his lips gently. He pulls me closer savoring the kiss, "So does this mean we can finally tell people?" he asks and I scratch the back of my head nervously. 

My best friend Ron Weasley comes to mind instantly, and my one promise from years ago before I knew how much I'd love his brother. 'I promise to never date one of your brothers.' I promised him at 12, how stupid could I be? All because he was worried his brother would break my heart and our friendship would be ruined, but as I look into George's eyes I know he would never. "I want to..." I tell him guilt overtaking me. George sighs his head falling back against the books behind his head, "Pretty, it's been six months, I want to introduce you to Mum as mine, not Ron's best friend," he admits and I feel cold chills from the use of George's nickname for me.

"I'll find a way to tell him by the end of the week. I promise," I tell him and he gives a smirk "I know you'll try," he tells me as he holds me in a comforting hug. "I have to go," I tell him as I reluctantly pull away to meet Ron for Potions class. George smiles at me and cups my face in his hand before pulling my lips into another kiss. "I love you (Y/n) (L/n)," he says in a low loving voice that causes butterflies to swarm my stomach. "I love you too George Weasley," I tell him before I slip away to meet his brother.

I find Ron in the hallway talking with Seamus, "Ronald Weasley," I chastise and he jumps turning to me and I can see the guilt written on his face. "You ate them both didn't you?" I ask seeing the lack of my snack that Ron was supposed to bring. "I was hungry..." he croaks and I shove his arm "I'll forgive you this once but you owe my sweets," I tell him as we head towards potions. He nods vigorously as we head off and meet with Hermione and Harry already at our table. "Where have you guys been?" Hermione chastises the two of us as we quickly settle in, Snape entering directly behind us. 

"Don't blame me I was waiting on (Y/n)," Ron pushes the blame off me and I fight a blush knowing I was held up by a certain prankster. Hermione looks at me expecting an explanation "I lost track of time in the library," I admit and it's believable enough, all of them know a book is never far from me, but instead of the books filled with knowledge like Hermione reads mine our muggle novels. If Hermione thought about it she could find every hole in my excuse the biggest one being I only ever feel comfortable enough to dive into a book in the common room in front of the roaring fire. 

It was my happy place. "Turn your books to page 623," Snape demands instructing the class to brew the most powerful of love potions Amortentia. I partner up with Hermione and we're quick and precise in our brew. When it's finished I fight the urge to draw closer and breathe in the scent waiting for Snape to judge our work before I do so. Once he announces it's brewed correctly I lean in and take in a deep breath.

"What do you smell (Y/n)?" Hermione asks Ron and Harry looking at me expectantly. My cheeks heat up instantly "I smell fresh parchment, cinnamon, fireworks, and broomsticks," I admit and George flashes in my mind and my heartbeat quickens. I try to avoid Ron's eyes not wanting him to see any guilt in my eyes over the love I have for his brother. "Cinnamon?" Ron comments confusion painted on his face "You hate cinnamon," he notes and the red in my cheeks increases. I do hate cinnamon, but George loves it, cinnamon tea specifically. "I guess whoever she fancies likes it," Harry comments and Hermione smiles.

"Not simply fancies, (Y/n) must be in love," she tells them and I scoff nervously, "T-that's not true," I defend weakly and they all look at me shocked I haven't mentioned fancying anyone. When Snape begins talking to the class again I thank Merlin, "You'll each get the smallest drop of Amortentia, to be able to write a three-page paper on the potion and what you smell," Snape instructs and although many people groan I just shrink at the idea of Ron having a reminder to pestering me about my secret love.

When the class lets out the trio pesters me all the way to the dining hall. "It's nothing you three need to concern yourself about," I continue to tell them as we sit, "What's to be concerned about?" George asks from his place next to Fred and my heart continues to race from his nearness. "(Y/n)'s in love," Ron states, and heat races to my cheeks and I see the twitch of a smirk on George's lip. "With whom?" Fred asks playing dumb being the only one other than George and myself to know about the six-month-long secret relationship.

"She won't say, but she smelt it in the Amortentia potion, so it must be true love," Hermione continues explaining and I put my head in my hands feeling like I'm about to explode from my current situation. "Please stop talking," I plead and she laughs and then I see a light turn on behind her eyes. "The library," she states and I freeze "You don't read in the library! You were meeting the boy!" she reveals and I drop my head down on the table, damn.

"(Y/n)!" Ron shouts "You've been sneaking around with someone? And you didn't tell me? I'm your best friend!" Ron accuses me hurt and I stammer my eyes flickering to George and the block dares to smile at the situation. I usually don't feel so flustered but between my boyfriend and best friend, I feel like I'm pulled in two different directions. "I-I-I have to go," I state, hurrying out of the dining hall feeling beyond overwhelmed.

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