Cheater *Ron* Part Two

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I spent the next couple of weeks avoiding Ron like the plague not able to stand the sight of him with Lavender. He never even truly broke it off with me, I guess he assumed I got the message and I had. I was honestly a wreck, I did my best to pull myself for classes, but outside of that I stayed hidden in my dorm. "(Y/n)!" Hermione shouted sharing into our dorm "What?" I ask annoyed "Ron's been poisoned," she tells me franticly and my eyes nearly bug out of my head. I jump out of bed still in my uniform and don't grab a single thing as I hurry out of the room.

Hermione attempts to explain as we go to the infirmary, but it doesn't matter to me. Ron was poisoned, and I wouldn't believe anyone telling me he was fine until I saw him. When I got to the infirmary I had to cover my mouth to stop the gasp. He was so pale, and his red hair was clinging to his head. I tentatively approached him and I felt tears cling to my eyes again. My hand grazed him wanting to take it, and his hand seemed to jump. His hand gripped mine and I looked to Madam Pomfrey "I thought he was asleep," I said and she looked at me with a small smile "He is dear," she told me and I looked back at Ron's features twisted in pain. 

 I gave him a sad smile but didn't pull my hand away, I sat in a small chair next to his bed and simply watched him sleep. "(Y/n)," I hear him mumble and I look at him in shock and look to Hermione not standing far away, and see Harry enter along soon after. "I'm sure he's confused," I say shaking my head as I feel my heart ache to kiss his lips and soak in him saying my name. Lavender enters with a worried expression until she sees me at his bedside and she all but snarls at me. "What are you doing here?" she asks annoyed by my mere presence and I stammer a little "I'm his- his -his friend," I say unsure looking between his sleeping face and Lavender. 

Lavender sneers at my words as she approaches my Ron and grabs his other hand. "I'm sure he's been calling for me," she says dreamily looking at his pained expression with a smile as if him calling out for her in pain is so cute. I want to hurl, and I'm about to leave when Ron's grip on my hand increases "(Y/n)" he says clearly causing Lavender to drop his hand in surprise. I look at her almost sneering at her as she looks around embarrassed before she scrambles out of the room.

"He still loves you (Y/n)," Hermione tries to encourage me but I just give a sad smile "I'm familiar Hermione..." I tell her trying to keep my tears at bay. "Well dear I don't mean to intrude but you should know... Ron has been under the influence of love potion for nearly a month now. It's actually quite lucky the way it interacted with the poison might just be what saved young Weasley's life," Madame Pomfrey informs me and I whip my head back to Ron in utter surprise unable to believe it. I grip his hand tighter and wonder if it can really be true. 

Was all of this because of a love potion? I don't leave the infirmary, I couldn't when the next class rolled around I refused to move from my spot next to Ron. Madame Pomfrey took pity on me and even when night rolled around allowed me to stay by his side. I struggled to fall asleep but finally laid my head down on the edge of his bed. "(y/n)?" I heard Ron's groggy voice say but this time it was laced with shock and understanding. I lifted my head up to see Ron wake blinking repeatedly at me. I fought the urge to pull him close and tried to pull my hand away.

He tightens his grip "Please... Don't," he begs slightly his eyes watering at the mere sight of me. I couldn't hold his beautiful blue-eyed gaze and look away. "I know this is odd seeing me here. I just had to make sure you were okay. I can leave," I tell him trying to wiggle my hand out of his grip. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry," he tells me his voice breaking, finally causing me to look at him and I feel a tear fall from my eye at his words. "Ron..." I started unsure of what to say "I was under a love potion. I didn't know. I know now, but that's because I can see you the girl I truly love," he tells me and I feel my heart ache inside my chest and tears start down my cheeks faster. 

"Angel please," he pleads his other hand coming to wipe my tears. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I hate that I did this to you," he tells me a tear or two sliding down his own cheeks. I lean towards him needing to be near him desperately. He pulls me into him, into his bed "I love you too," I cry into his chest "So much," I add unable to explain how much I truly love the Weasley I'd spent the last four years with. "I'm never eating chocolate again," he tells me causing me to laugh lightly in his arms and he presses a firm kiss on the top of my head, but that wouldn't do right now. 

I needed to erase the image of him kissing Lavender, and the only way to do that was to kiss him until it was all I knew. I turned my head and kissed him desperately, he kissed back wrapping his arms around me tightly. I don't know how long the moment lasted but I kept my word I kissed him until the image of Lavender and him was erased from my mind and replaced with the two of us.

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