Ravenclaw Rage *Fred*

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This was arguably the stupidest decision I'd ever made, and I do not make stupid decisions. I stand here in my Ravenclaw uniform in front of Fred Weasley and he watches me, waiting to see why I'd stopped him. I tilt my chin up to look him in his deep brown eyes "I heard you're failing transfiguration," I tell Fred and he laughs. "You heard correctly, but I assume you don't want to help me for your own good conscience," he says and I hum in response. "It seems your services are required in my life, so I'll help you and you'll help me," I tell him and he laughs again "You're a smart girl (L/n), you know my brother and I only work for a price," he explains and I nod, I certainly am aware of that. 

That was a small issue, one I happen to know my way around. "Yes, you do, but this is a unique situation. You have to pass transfiguration to pass the year don't you Weasley?" I ask and he quirks an eyebrow at me "How do you know that?" he asks and it's my turn to smirk at him. "I'm a Ravenclaw love, there isn't much I don't know," I tell him and he walks closer to me. "Okay pretty, you've piqued my interest," he tells me urging me to explain his part of this deal. "I need you to prank someone until I've determined he's had enough. You can test new stuff on him, whatever you like," I tell Fred and he looks confused.

"What'd he do?" Fred asks and I sneer "Does it matter?" I ask and Fred gets close enough I can see the golden flecks in his eyes "Oh, it definitely does," he jeers. I chew on the inside of my cheek "He happens to be my ex-boyfriend," I state simply, and Fred hums in response pausing for a second. I am shocked to see him think so much, I can visibly see the wheels turning "What'd he do?" he asks again and I furrow my brows.

"What do you mean?" I ask and he shrugs "I mean you don't peg me as the kind of girl to get revenge over a simple breakup," he tells me, and I shrug "That's beside the point, Weasley. Do we have a deal or not" I ask and he stares into my eyes. "Not until I know how hard he needs to be pranked, and I'll also need a name," Fred explains and I pull myself up to my full height even though I'm still much shorter than Fred. "Marcus Clearwater, and if you must know he cheated on me," I tell Fred as I force myself to hold his gaze.

"I'll prank him until it hurts, pretty," he tells me with a smile and I smile back at him "Perfect, meet me at the library, 7 pm," I instruct and he smiles again. "Looking forward to it," he tells me and I turn and scurry away from the mischievous Weasley.

I arrive at the library fifteen minutes before 7 and begin setting out my transfiguration notes and textbooks. I have to try not to gag at the sight of Marcus and some blonde from Slytherin snogging in the corner. "I see we both had the same idea," I hear Fred say behind me and I look at him seeing him carrying a bag. I smile at the bag having a hunch at what's inside, "Two birds one stone," I say and he gives a cheeky grin before he starts ruffling through the bag. He hums for a second or two "Ahh, here we are," he says "Where's his stuff at pretty?" he asks looking over to me.

I point to a brown satchel bag slug over the back of a chair. Fred needs no more instruction he walks past the bag and to the bookshelf, he grabs a book, and then walks back past the bag. When he comes and sits next to me my brows are furrowed, "What'd you do?" I ask and he looks at me with that mischievous glint in his eyes "Patience, pretty," I look back to Marcus and he finally manages to pull away from the blonde. He seems to sense my gaze, looks over at me and Fred, and nearly looks jealous. I have to suppress my satisfaction with that fact before opening up my transfiguration textbook. 

Fred and I study for about twenty minutes when I hear a horrified shout. I look up to see Marcus breaking out all over his body in zits to size of marbles, I snicker with Fred at the scene in front of us. Marcus immediately looks to Fred and me and marches over "What's the meaning of this!" he shouts outraged "I have no idea what you mean," I tell him and he glares at the two of us "You and your new boyfriend did this, admit it!" he demands and I scoff and feel an unreal amount of satisfaction at the way he says, boyfriend. Fred grabs my hand playing this game "We've just been studying, ask anybody," he says but there's a seriousness to Fred that wasn't there before.

"What'd the whore do to get you to do her bidding? Did you sleep with him? You'll sleep with him but not me? Stupid slut!" Marcus starts and I am about to defend myself when Fred stands up blocking me from Marcus. Fred grabbed onto the front of Marcus's robes "Talk to my girlfriend like that again and you'll be eating through a straw," Fred says before pushing Marcus back. I blush furiously at the way Fred's defending me, Marcus storms out in a blur of fear after that. "Sorry about that Pretty, I just couldn't stand the way he was talking to you," Fred says to you, I smile at him and pull him by his tie down to me before I crash my lips into his. 

"Thank you," I say before turning back to the textbook, Fred sits back and turns my face to his and kisses me again.

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