Secret Boyfriend *George* Part Two

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I hide in the common room for as long as I can until Ron finds me an annoyed look on his face. "You can talk to me you know," he says genuinely hurt and I sigh "You're gonna be upset," I tell him increasingly more nervous. "Why would I be upset it's not like it's one of my brothers," he jokes but I don't laugh as I tense ready for him to realize the truth. He stares at me as the realization hits "My brother!" he shouts and as if on queue Fred, George, Hermione, and Harry follow into the common room. "Which one!" he shouts at me as he stands and I feel my heart break as I look back at George.

"George," I tell him trying to keep my voice from wavering. Ron looks between George and me in a fury "What a friend you are," he states and I stand and try to reach out to him and he pulls away and George begins to cross the room towards us "He's gonna break your heart you know!" he stabs and I feel tears well in my eyes. "I love her Ron!" Geroge tries to protest and Ron scoffs "She's too good for you," he tells George before he storms off towards the boy's dorms. 

"Ron!" I shout trying to follow after him but George grabs my hand stopping me "Let him calm down Pretty," he tells me his thumb drawing circles into my hand. I can't even enjoy the moment as he pulls me into his chest. "Why do I feel like I just lost my best friend?" I ask George as he holds me tightly "It'll be okay, I promise," he tells me and I nod trying to believe him.

I stay up late unable to sleep thinking of Ron upset with me. George had offered to stay up with me but I sent him to bed knowing I needed some time alone. I stare at the fire as I clutch my unopened book to my chest, "Why are you awake?" Ron asks appearing behind me, and I turn quickly to look at him. "I couldn't sleep," I admit and he comes around to sit next to me on the couch. "I'm sorry, about earlier. It wasn't fair," he tells me looking at me like he doesn't know how to explain what he wants to say.

 "You're my best friend (Y/n), you know I liked you back when I made you promise not to date my brothers. I thought my feelings for you were romantic for a long time, but the longer we're friends the more I see you like Ginny. You annoy the bloody hell out of me, but I also want to protect you not because I'm in love but because you're my family. I mean it when I say George doesn't deserve you he's an idiot, whether he's my bother or not, but I can't see anyone good enough for you or Ginny," he tells me not looking at me and I lay my hand on his shoulder. "Ron, I'm so happy you see me as your family, but you have to understand I love George. I didn't want to, but he just... I don't know how to explain it Weasley'd his way into my heart," I joke.

Ron snickers at that "He's an early riser you know," I tell Ron and he looks at me listening fully "You are too," he adds and I nod "It's the best time to read, first thing in the morning when it's peaceful. I spent every morning right here curled into a blanket gasping at my books, and one day George came and began reading behind me," I tell him smiling at the memory.


"I'm not done with that page," I hear a voice behind me causing me to jump and look away from my book to see George Weasley without his familiar partner in crime. I laugh "I didn't know I was sharing my book," I tell him and he smirks at me "Well you are," he clarifies moving beside me on the couch, much closer than necessary. "I can read it to you," I offer and George nods as he raises a mug of something warm to his lips, "as payment you'll be sharing whatever is in that cup," I tell him smelling tea in the air. 

He shrugs and hands the mug off to me, I bring the cup to my lips and immediately scrunch my nose up. Cinnamon tea, "What's wrong?" he laughs and I shake my head refusing to admit I don't like the tea, not knowing why but wanting to drink more of his tea. "Nothing," I tell him before I start into the book starting from the top of the current page. 

~End of Flashback~

"I read to him every morning since then, and I don't know what happened," I shrug "Somewhere in the midst of our innocent mornings, I fell for him," I  admit unable to hide the small smile on my lips. "Do you think he really loves you?" Ron asks and I ponder the question for a single second "Yes, yes I do. He isn't the George you know when he's with me, he's mine. He's still mischievous, flirty, and troublesome, but he's different. He visits the muggle bookstore for me, and he avoids drinking disgusting cinnamon teas in the mornings so I can drink from his cup," I try to explain and I hear a familiar chuckle come from behind the couch.

Ron and I turn to see George standing with disheveled hair and a cup of tea in hand "Earl Grey with a lemon slice," George says lifting the mug up. I smile at him "That's her favorite," Ron says and sighs "I still don't know how I feel about this, but as long as you two are happy, I'm happy," he tells me mostly and I pull him into a hug. "I'm happiest with George, Ron," I tell my best friend before I look back to his brother. "I swear to you Ron, I love her, and I'll never break her heart," George tells his brother as he brings me the mug of tea, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Fine, just don't kiss in front of me," he says falling back onto the couch "Then close your eyes," George tells him with his signature mischievous smirk as he leans down to kiss me.

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