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The rain pounded relentlessly against the old, decrepit windows of the abandoned factory. I stumbled upon this eerie place on a dare from friends, never expecting it to become the setting for the most horrifying experience of my life.

I entered with cautious steps, my flashlight revealing broken machinery and rusted equipment that hadn't seen use in decades. The air was thick with dust, and a cold, unnatural breeze sent shivers down my spine.

That's when I heard it-a soft, haunting melody echoing through the corridors. My heart raced as I followed the sound, my flashlight beam trembling with my trembling hands. The melody seemed to draw me deeper into the darkness.

Suddenly, I entered a large chamber, and there, in the dim light, I saw him. Michael Afton, or so he appeared, hunched over an old, tattered piano. His back was to me, but I knew it was him. How or why he was here was a mystery beyond my comprehension.

I called out to him, but he didn't respond. Instead, he continued to play the eerie tune that seemed to resonate with the very soul of this forsaken place. The melody was haunting, a cacophony of discordant notes that made my skin crawl.

I took a step closer, and that's when he turned, his face obscured by shadows. His eyes, though, were unmistakable-cold, soulless orbs that seemed to pierce through my very being.

My instincts screamed at me to run, but my feet felt like they were encased in cement. I was trapped, unable to escape the chilling presence of this man who shouldn't even exist in this time and place.

Michael Afton's grin was unnerving, a grotesque distortion of a smile that sent a wave of terror coursing through me. He beckoned me closer with one skeletal hand, his bony fingers tapping on the piano keys with an otherworldly precision.

Against my will, I moved toward him, compelled by some invisible force. His hollow eyes bore into mine, and I felt a suffocating dread, as if I had stumbled upon a malevolent spirit from the depths of the unknown.

The music grew louder, more chaotic, and it seemed to be tearing at my sanity. I begged for release, for escape from this waking nightmare, but Michael's laughter echoed through the chamber, mocking my pleas.

Just when I thought I could take no more, the room plunged into darkness. I felt a presence right beside me, his breath chilling against my ear as he whispered, "You can never leave."

In that moment, terror overcame me completely, and I blacked out.

When I woke, I was outside the factory, drenched in rain, and shaking uncontrollably. The factory's windows were shattered, and an eerie silence had replaced the haunting melody. Michael Afton, or whatever entity I had encountered, was nowhere to be found.

To this day, I can't explain what happened in that forsaken place. But the chilling memory of Michael Afton and his horrifying melody still haunts my nightmares, a reminder that some terrors defy explanation and should never be sought out.

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