Get ready with me!

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"Hey, everyone! Welcome back to my channel. Today is going to be a little different because, well, we have a special guest! You've all been asking for more videos with Michael, and guess what? He's right here with me!"

I turn the camera to reveal Michael, who gives a shy wave.

"Hi, everyone," he says, a small smile playing on his lips.

"So, today's video is a 'Get Ready with Us' vlog. We're going to take you through our morning routine and show you how we get ready for the day. And, of course, answer some of your burning questions. So, let's get started!"

The video transitions to us in our cozy kitchen, sipping on morning coffee.

"So, Michael, what's your morning routine like?"

He chuckles, "Well, I usually start with a cup of coffee. It's a must to kickstart the day."

"Absolutely," I agree, taking a sip. "Now, onto skincare. You guys know I'm all about that morning glow. Michael, are you into skincare?"

He raises an eyebrow playfully. "I've learned a thing or two from you."

"Good student," I tease. "Let's show them our skincare routine!"

The video proceeds with us applying various serums and moisturizers, sharing our favorite products and tips.

"Now, onto makeup. Michael, I know you're not a pro at this, but we're going for a natural look today, right?"

He nods, "Natural is the way to go."

As I apply makeup, Michael attempts to follow suit, garnering laughter from both of us.

"Okay, you might need some more practice," I tease, handing him a makeup wipe.

The scene transitions to us in the closet, picking out outfits.

"So, here's a question from one of you: What's your favorite thing about each other?"

Michael smiles, "I love how she's always positive, even in the mornings when I'm still half-asleep."

I blush, "And I love how he always makes me laugh. It's the best part of my day."

The vlog continues, capturing snippets of us getting dressed, doing our hair, and adding the finishing touches.

"Alright, we're almost ready to head out, but first, a quick Q&A. Michael, someone wants to know how we met."

He leans in, "We actually met at a mutual friend's party. I was instantly captivated by her smile."

I grin, "And the rest is history. Now, let's answer a few rapid-fire questions."

The video speeds up as we answer quick questions about our favorite foods, places we want to travel, and more.

"And that's a wrap on our 'Get Ready with Us' vlog! Thank you so much for joining us this morning. Don't forget to like this video, subscribe if you haven't already, and let us know in the comments what other videos you'd like to see. Until next time!"

We both wave at the camera, the screen fading to black as the vlog concludes.

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