Date planning pt4

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[You]: Hey, Michael. It's been a while since we caught up. How's everything on your end?
[Michael]: Hey there. Things have been busy, but you're never far from my thoughts.
[You]: That's sweet of you to say. Life in the new city has been an adventure, but I do miss our coffee chats.
[Michael]: I miss them too. It's not the same without you here.
[You]: By the way, remember that dream job I mentioned? It's been going well, and I've learned so much.
[Michael]: I knew you'd excel at it. I'm proud of everything you've achieved.
[You]: Thanks, Michael. You've been a big part of my journey, you know.
[Michael]: Likewise. You've been a source of inspiration for me as well.

[You]: Hey, Michael. I have some exciting news to share!
[Michael]: I'm all ears! What's the big news?
[You]: I've been offered a chance to move back to our old city, and I've accepted it.
[Michael]: That's incredible! You're coming back? I can hardly believe it!
[You]: Yes, and you know what that means, right? Our coffee dates are making a comeback!
[Michael]: I can't express how happy that makes me. It'll be like old times.
[You]: I can't wait to catch up with you in person again, Michael. It's been too long.
[Michael]: Me neither. The coffee shop just hasn't been the same without you.

[You]: Hey, Michael. I'm back in town and settled in. Would you like to meet up for coffee?
[Michael]: Absolutely! I've been looking forward to this. How about our old spot, same time?
[You]: Sounds perfect. I've missed those coffee dates with you.
[Michael]: Me too. See you soon, and welcome back!

[next day]

[You]: Hey, Michael. I'm at the coffee shop, and it feels so good to be back!
[Michael]: I'm on my way. Can't wait to see you again, it's been way too long.

[next day]

[You]: (In-person) Michael, it's really good to see you again.
[Michael]: (In-person) You have no idea how much I've missed our coffee chats.

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