Chapter 8 - Ghosts (Nick's Pov)

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I don't really know how Demi's face got into that picture. It was pretty surprising for me as well to see all 4 of us together. All so happy. Maybe that was before I was so sick that they had to shut me away. The picture looks like it was taken outside. Joe's arm was around me and I realized that I have totally forgotten what it felt like to hang out with Joe, to play with Joe to just have fun with my own brother.

"hi?" I asked as Demi sat by the counter, staring blankly into space.

"uhm hi" Demi said

"Don't you remember the photograph? You looked really upset"

"huh?" she asked

"I know you're not okay, let's skip the part where I ask you and just head on straight  to the problem"

Demi laughed. "You seem pretty confident today Mr. Jonas" 

I felt embarassed. Yes I did felt confident, maybe because it was Demi I was talking to. It's like she knows me, she doesn't judge me.

"I just, I just don't remember that picture from anywhere"

"of course not, you were still so tiny there"

"well I should have recognized something, anything from it, even the slightest hint"

"Got nothing?"


"I mean it, I'm really scared, I don't know why but It feels like I should know that picture, its like I've seen it before but I am confident that I haven't"

"what? some sort of amnesia"

"I don't know, but believe me its scaring me right now"

Joe burst open the door and headed straight for the stairs. "Nick can I borrow your jacket?" I didn't respond, I knew he was going to take it anyway.

"You!" Joe glared at Demi as he caught a glimpse of her, he headed straight for her.

"I'm not done with you" Joe said

Demi laughed. "was she a good kisser Joe?"

Joe looked red, he felt really embarassed to be talking of this in front of me. We never talked about things like this. These were his things, he never shared it with me.

"it's okay Joe, it's only Nicky, he can handle it"

"Leave me alone, I have  my own life to live Demetria Lovato! "

I wanted to laugh. Gross bro, just gross, he looks like he's five.

"Well live your life then Mr. Jonas, and get off mine" Demi smiled as she made a little curtsy to Joe

"oh, so this is what its about? the party? the overtime?" Joe demanded

"of course,what else could this be about?"

"You know, you're-----" Suddenly Joe's phone rang. "OH hey, yeah I'm on my way, I'm actually getting in my car now" Joe said as he turned to walk away and out the door.

Then Demi told me the story about the night at the party, soon she was laughing and smiling again and I realized that she had forgotten about the photograph.

"Demi, can you help me clean up the mess, Mom texted that she's on her way home" Frankie asked. Demi followed Frankie to the living room where a mess of Frankie's science homework lay on the floor.

So yeah you're probably thinking what happened at Joe's party and how I reacted. I reacted like some crazy person? I'd like to think that I actually  reacted normally. I mean my room was the only thing sacred in this house. It was the one thing I had and I treasured and I just couldn't bear to have someone trespass on my property.

Demi entered the kitchen.

"your brother's a jerk" she said as she sat beside me by the kitchen island

"He's the most popular guy in school, girls like him"

"weird girls"

"No, you're weird, how could you not like Joe?''

"Because he's arrogant and obnoxious and ugly and a liar and definitely not nice"

"Then why do girls love him?"

"Because he's popular"

"no, because He's good looking"

"he looks like a frog to me"

"But inside every frog is a real prince"

Demi laughed at my statement.

"Not in this world Nick"

"Joe's nice" I tried

"Stop defendin him Nick, I mean if he was really nice, he would't be ashamed of you"

There it goes. This is the part where I'm supposed to act crazy because Demi just said something that should irritate me or trigger me. 

I should probably take up acting classes soon.

I threw a spoon at the floor and my face got really angry. I screamed.

"Liar" I screamed at Demi.

Her face instantly changed to sheer panic and I realized that I was doing good. I threw some more utensils, only making sure that I don't hit her with anything.

She ran away to the living room where Frankie was.

I still pretended to lose control until I felt Frankie's arm around me and Demi tried to hold both my arms to calm me down.

"Come on Nick, I was only joking, I'm sorry"

Then I felt bad. I know what Demi said was right, straight to the point right. I just have to make sure that, you know, I get this playing crazy right. I mean who was Demi to jeopardize my "plan?" Demi was just a girl and like all of them, she'll soon leave.

To play crazy is my ticket out of here without jeopardizing Joe or my family, yet. 

Oh yeah, my plan.

What was my plan?

1.) Play crazy for Joe and the family

2.) Wait for Joe to graduate

3.) Go to Joe's graduation as a normal Nick

4.) Tell family the truth

5.) Travel and sing

Playing Crazy (A Demi Lovato Love Story) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now