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i still love elsa, i was now sitting at my office, someone came in, it was tooth, my annoying wife who i didn't want to marry, hey darling! , why are you so down? , this that b*cth messed up again? Tooth ask, i slammed my hand on my desk, which made tooth flip out, if you say that elsa's a b*tch again, i'll have to make our relatioship divorce! I yelled, tooth laughed in disbelief, jack, is this what it's all about? , you want you and elsa back together, do you? , i can't believe your doing this! , after all i sacrifice for aster! Tooth said, i was shock, what did she mean? , she wuickly covered her mouth, wait, wait, wait, wait, you sacrifice for aster? , what does that mean? , explain! I yelled, hic got in, jack, you have to see this! Hic said, WHAT DO YOU WANT HIC?!!!!!! i yell angrily, well, sorry to disturb, mister! , but your sister, emma, is in the universal hospital! Hic said, what?! I ask, not em.
I was in the universal hospital with emma, she's so nice to me, how could this kid get hurt by an accident, her accident is that she got hit by a car, i held her hand, her eyes flutter, elsa? , is this really you? She ask, yes, it's me....., em...... i said with tears in my eyes, i really miss you......, i don't care if my brother married another girl instead of you! Emma said then hugged me, i hugged back, i can feel emma crying on my shoulder, i don't care if my brother married that bitch, i'll still count you as my sister-in-law! Emma said crying, i miss you too......, but no matter where i go......, i'm just here...... i said poiting at her heart, she smiled, i smiled back, someone entered the room, it was jack, he was about to say something but someone entered the room, it was the nurse, umm....., emma overland frost? , please let me take you to a check up......, the accident might broke some of your parts....... the nurse said, emma nodded then followed the nurse, i bit my lip, i saw about to walk away but, don't go. Jack said putting his hand on my shoulder, i bit my lip, he held two of hands, i looked down on the floor, elsa, look at me...... he said lifting my chin with his index finger, i saw his eyes pleading, do you love me? He ask, i bit my lip, i don't know what to say, a few minutes, i looked away, making him close his eyes, i left him dumbfounded.

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