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Hello guys! , i decided that there's just an epilogue......, so have a good time reading!

Me, jack, mer, rap, anna, tooth, aster, kris, hic and eugene brought our passports, we're going to san fransokyo, i'm so excited, jack smiled at me, ready for our honeymoon? Jack ask, definetly...... i said, hey, love birds! , let me ask......, what would you guys do in the future? Tooth ask, i lifted an eyebrow then looked at jack, he lifted an eyebrow too, what? We both ask in unsion, you know....... aster said then maked kissy noises, jack and i both blushed, remember els......, i wanna be an auntie someday....... anna said making a cutey face, come on, guys......, can we just talk about this sometime....... i said, fine, fine...... anna said pouting, she really wants to be an auntie, does she?, we carried our bags then proceeded to the plane, jack sitted beside me (of course), mer sitted beside hic, anna beside kris, tooth beside aster and rap beside eugene, so els......, about what anna said......., is is ok if you get pregnant? Jack ask rubbing his neck, i blushed then punched his gut making him groan in pain, i'll take that as a no......, when i get pregnant......, do not leave me alone or cheat on me, cause anna's gonna kick your butt! I said, jack saw anna cracking her knuckles, oh....., hehe......, don't worry......., i won't....... he said, i smiled, i love you...... i said then pecked him on the lips, anyways......., your uncle lives in san fransokyo? I ask, yep, if he mets you......, he's gonna be happy......., cause he likes you more than tooth........ jack said, i heard that! Tooth said in the back, sorry! Jack said, but......., i wanna ask........, how did you get all those chocolate before anna accepted our marriage? I ask, my uncle........ is manny........ jack said rubbing his neck, i gasped, your uncle is manny?! , as in manny frost?! , as in the manager of the tastiest chocolates in the world?! I ask suprisingly, why didn't he told me before?, yep......., he's my uncle........, you could taste one of his yummiest chocolates........ jack said, of course! I said then hugged him, he hugged back, he suddenly squeezed my butt, i grabbed the anti-ruler, he said "ow" everytime i hit him with that ruler, don't ever do that again....... he said, then you should stop squeezing my butt! I said, ok, ok, nice ass by the way........ he said, i hitted him with my ruler as he said "ow" every time i hit him.

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