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      Jungkook was about to go in the kitchen when the door bell ranged again.

    He opened the door and jimin came inside.

    "what are you doing here?"he asked jimin.

    "That's not how you greet guests" Jimin said and jungkook rolled his eyes at him.

    "I was worried for yn,so I came" Jimin said while lying on the sofa

    "As if you can save her from hyung if he gets angry"jungkook said.

     "I can try you"jimin said and jungkook rolled his eyes while walking towards kitchen.

     Meanwhile with Yn,she was trying to save herself from suga's anger as he caught her peeking in her notebook.

      "I was just looking for a step. I swear I wrote almost all the problems but I just couldn't remember that step so I peeked a little, I swear I didnt cheated, I just peeked,I am sorry,oppa.It wont happen again, please dont hit me with that, I am really sorry"she said in one breath terrified of the object that was present in suga's hand.

     "so we are back to oppa?"Suga asked chuckling.

    "what?"yn asked confused.

      "Nothing.I am letting you go this time as it was just a checking your knowledge test but if I ever caught you cheating or even peeking then you will see my other side,yn remember it"Suga said sternly and she nodded mummbling a sorry.

      "ok,so now I understand that you don't understand anything till now,you just memorized everything that you kept forgetting,so I guess we have to start from the scratch i.e the 1st chapter,so give me your textbook"Suga said.

     "ok but can you please keep that thing down"yn asked nervously.

    "scared?"Suga asked and she nodded.

       "Ok I am keeping it down
Don't be nervous,now give me your textbook"he said keeping the ruler down.

     yn took out the textbook and gave it to Suga.

     "you know oppa,you are really patient jungkook scared me so much that you will keep getting angry at me."yn said while complaining.

     "I am not a patient man,but I am being patient with you because you wouldn't understand anything if you keep getting scared of me"Suga said chuckling.

    "oh"yn mummbled.

     Suga smiled but his face suddenly changed into a stern one,and yn got confused.

Suga shouted while banging his hand hard on the table.

    "w-what happened,oppa"yn asked scared.

     "DONT YOU DARE ACT LIKE YOU DONT KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM"He said while banging the desk again and yn flinched badly.

      jungkook and jimin both were watching a movie when they suddenly heard a loud sound and Suga's angry voice came from upstairs.

    "jungkook we should che-

    "Let hyung deal with her"jungkook said acting like it's not bothering him.

    They again heard a loud sound and jungkook looked towards the room worriedly.

     "jungkook I really think we should go and check"jimin said and jungkook nodded while getting up.

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