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I am really sorry for the late update,guys.
But I can't promise frequent updates for next few months atleast until Feb.
I am busy because of Diwali and studies nowadays as I have prelims in December and then my final University exam in January but i will upload and i won't leave you guys hanging but the updates will be late.


Suga abruptly stood up and yn took a step back in fear.

Suga sighed and told her to sit on the chair.


She started with fear evident in her voice but Suga cut her off.

"It's fine,yn.Jungkook told me you were not feeling well but don't make it a habit"Suga said and yn nodded.

"Let's revise yesterday's topic"suga said while sitting beside her.

"Ok"she mumbled.

Suga taught her basics again and she said she understood this time.

"Can you solve it now?"he asked while sliding the paper towards her.

Yn nodded and took the paper.

She solved it in about an hour and gave it to Suga.

Suga checked it and found that she did two questions wrong.

He rubbed his forehead to calm himself down as the kid is already not well but he knew that he just can't let her go every time.

He already taught her twice and it's only basic,it's not even that hard,she should have done it right and the questions were easy too.

Yn looked towards Suga and got nervous as his expressions hardened after checking her paper.

She looked down and waited for Suga to speak.

"Yn,you did two sums wrong"Suga suddenly said and got up from the chair.
Yn looked towards him.

"Now,tell me what should I do with you?It's just basics and you still did two sums wrong,how can we move further if you can't even do the basic questions properly,ha?"Suga asked in his stern voice.

He didn't raise his voice but his voice clearly indicated how serious he is at the moment.

Yn got overwhelmed with all that happened with her in one day,first jungkook's hit and now Suga is scolding her too,she couldn't control and her eyes turned teary.

Suga's eyes turned cold as he saw her teary eyes.

"Now I can't even scold you,ha?"he asked.

"It's not like that,opp-

"Then why are you crying,i didn't do anything nor did I raise my voice,I am just trying to make you understand something and instead of understanding,you are crying here"he said getting a little angry.

Yn looked down trying to stop her tears but she couldn't stop them,they just kept flowing.

"Stop crying and look at me"Suga ordered.

Yn wiped her tears with her palms and looked towards Suga.

He kept the test paper in front of her.

"Solve them again"he said sternly.

Yn nodded and picked up the pen.

She tried to solve them but she just couldn't.

Her mind was messed up.

She was scared and she couldn't think of anything straight.

She was just writing something and then cutting it with the pen.

MY STRICT BUT SWEET PROFESSOR HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now