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"SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU"Jungkook shouted and they both got quiet.

"Jungkook, sit I will treat it"jimin said.

"What did Suga oppa actually did?"yn said while her eyes got teary by thinking about it.

Jungkook sighed.

"Hyung didn't't hit me or anything baby"jungkook said.

"B-but,you were limp-

"I bumped into this stupid table that's why I was limping,don't think anything stupid"jungkook said.

"Your eyes were red too,you were-

"Stop stop,calm down first"jungkook said and yn nodded.

"Hyung and I had a bit of an emotional conversation,so i got emotional"he said.

"Thank God,kook.I got so scared,i thought oppa-

"I am too old to get hit,yn"jungkook said shrugging.

"Ya,I was an idiot to think... Let it be everything is sorted now"she said smiling.

"Ya, everything is sorted"jungkook said.

"Yn,why don't you go and study,you shouldn't give a chance hyung to get angry today"jimin said.

"Ya,you are right,he will surely not forgive me today if I got a low score in the test"she said.

"You have a test today"jungkook asked.


"Then,go and study,kiddo and score well and if you didn't score well, apologize immediately to hyung and try to convince him to forg-

"Jungkook,calm down mam,why are you talking nonstop and don't worry, nothing will happen,oppa took my test before too,he is calm"yn said shrugging.

"Hyung and calm"jimin said shocked.

"And that though while teaching"jungkook added.

"I don't believe it" Jimin said.

"Ya,I don't believe it too"jungkook nodded agreeing with jimin.

"He is a softie for me,guys"yn said while giggling.

"Why?"jimin whined.

"What?"yn asked.

"Hyung was so strict with us so why so calm with her?"jimin said.

"That's because I am such a cutie"yn said.

"Now I will go and study or else your hyung will really show me his monster side today"yn said and ran upstairs.

Jimin sighed and looked towards jungkook.

"Let's go"he said.

"Where?"Jungkook was confused.

"I know You don't want yn to to know but we need to treat it,Jungkook" Jimin said.

"W-what are you saying-

"You and I both know hyung very well,he won't let go of something like drinking just like that"jimin said and jungkook sighed.

"Let's go to the guest room"he said and jimin nodded taking the first aid kit.

"Sit"jimin said and jungkook sat while trying to roll his pants up but hissed.

"Go and change into shorts,jungkook"jimin said and jungkook nodded.

There was extra pair of shorts in the guest room so he changed into them.

"Fuck,that looks bad"jimin mummbled.

"Hyung was quite angry" Jungkook said and sat down.

"Did he use a strap?"jimin asked but jungkook shooked his head.

"Drop it"jungkook said.

"Common,you can tell me" Jimin said and jungkook stood up.

"Ok,ok I won't ask,now let me treat"jimin said and jungkook sat down.

"It will take some days to heal the bruises" Jimin said.

"Ya,I need to be careful,yn can't see them" Jungkook said.

"Hyung is really lineant with her" Jimin said voicing his thoughts.

"She gets scared easily,jimin.I am glad hyung is understanding"jungkook said while resting his head back.

Jimin stood up and sat beside jungkook.

"I hope she won't see hyung's angry side ever" Jimin said and jungkook nodded.

"Hyung can be quite scary when angry" Jimin added.

"I know" Jungkook said.

"You look tired,take some rest" Jimin said and jungkook nodded.

"Jimin, please go and check on yn,help her if she doesn't understand anything,i don't want her to get in trouble with hyung"jungkook said and jimin nodded.

"You rested"he said and went upstairs.

He entered the study room and saw yn sitting on the chair looking all stressed.

He quietly went behind her.

"Having trouble understanding"he asked and she got startled.

"You scared me, idiot"she said while hitting jimins's arm.

"I see Calling your professor stupid,ha"he asked raising his eyebrows and she just rolled her eyes.

"Don't try to intimidate me,you don't scare me,jimin"yn said chuckling.

"Ya ya ok, kiddo now tell,what you are not understanding?"he asked.

"I understood jimin,I was just trying to solve a further chapter sums"she said.

"And here I thought you don't like math" Jimin said.

"I don't but I don't want to disappoint oppa,it took me 3 days to understand the basics,I can't keep taking so much time,oppa will surely lose his cool one day"yn said sighing.

"He is patient with you,don't worry kiddo " Jimin said.

"I don't want him to think that I am taking advantage of that"yn said.

"He knew you are weak at maths, kid.He won't think that",jimin said and yn nodded.

To be continued............

Question time-

1)Express your thoughts about Suga?

2)yn is gonna do something really bad.Tell me if it's okay with you all if jungkook did give her a hard punishment as what's gonna happen is not something he can forgive?
If you are not okay with it,I can change the plot?

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