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I want a lot of comment guys......

Almost half of the day came to an end and yn realised how stupid was she was to fight with jungkook.

She realised that jungkook was just asking her,he wasn't blaming her after Lisa talked her and made her understood the situation.

Yn wanted to apologise to jungkook and solve everything but she didn't see Jungkook in college this morning.

She went out of the class to find jungkook
but he wasn't even present in his office.

"Yn,do you know where is jungkook?"jimin asked while stopping in the middle of the corridor.

"I am finding him too,jimin.

He didn't even pick up my call"she said.

"Did something happened, kiddo?"jimin asked sensing that something is wrong.

"We got into a little fight"yn said while sighing.

"Why?is it about him hitting you?"jimin asked while raising his eyebrows.

"NO,I mean yes,uhh I don't know how to explain"yn mummbled.

"Yn,jungkook didn't came to college,he is not even picking my calls, please tell me what happened?"jimin said.

Yn sighed and explained everything to him.

Jimin sighed.

"He wasn't blaming you,kiddo.Try to understand him,he was already worried as well as guilty about punishing you and when he came to know that it wasn't even your fault,he just couldn't control his emotions"jimin said while trying to make yn understand jungkook's situation.

"I know i overreacted,jimin but think about my emotions too na.I was thinking that he will feel guilty that's why I was hiding everything from him but he-

"He is feeling guilty, believe me yn, he is"jimin said.

"I know and that's what makes me feel more bad,i shouldn't have fight with him but my all suppressed emotions just came out at that time in the form of anger"yn said while signing.

"Leave it,what's done is go home first and see if he is there,I will try to find him too "jimin said and yn nodded.

"Call me if you see him"yn said and went out.

She called for a cab and went home.

She checked the whole house but jungkook wasn't there,she panicked and informed jimin.

After some time,Jimin got a call from jungkook.

He sighed in relief and picked it up.

"Jimin,can you please drop yn home from college today?"jungkook asked.

"Where the hell are you,jungkook?"jimin asked him.


"Do you even know how worried we were? where are you-

"Relax jimin,I am not a kid,I can take care of myself"jungkook said shrugging.

"Shut the hell up and send me your location?"Jimin asked.

"Fine but drop yn home first"jungkook said and sent him his location.

Jimin went to the location and found jungkook sitting in a bar.

He saw him drinking and a few glasses were empty already.

He stormed angrily towards him and snatched the glass from his hands.

"Are you fucking mad?Beer? Really?"he shouted.

"Relax jimin,I don't get drunk easily"jungkook said and tried to take the glass from jimin.

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